
My cousin's maid just caught her laughing crazily at an email I sent her, now she says the maid is giving her ?

by  |  earlier

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a strange look, what could the maid be thinking?




  1. the maid probably thinks shes laughing at her.. wow that was hard to come up with

  2. Should i still clean the house

  3. your cousin is weird? lol. maybe themaid has never heard of e-mail before. lol. =)

  4. She's probably thinking "It must be nice to laugh at emails while someone else cleans your house"

  5. that she crazy and needs help.  

  6. Probably the same thing I'm thinking.

    I wish I had a maid

  7. The maid thinks that your friend is a serial killer and that she is next!

  8. She's probably wondering if her Windex has enough holy water in it to repel your cousin...

  9. That she read something funny?

  10. Who the h**l knows? She should mind her own business. She's the maid; she shouldn't be looking funny at her employers. I have the worst problem with housekeepers getting all up in my business. The one my family hired on for this house I'm in now was like that, too, and she was quickly replaced. She'd actually look over my shoulder at what I was reading and ask me questions about it! She was HORRIBLE!!

  11. That your cousin in crazy.

    Or that Kraft produces a superior macaroni and cheese product, when compared with the macaroni and cheese products of other manufacturers.

  12. if it has something to do with her feather duster then I'm getting quite aroused....

  13. She probably thinks the lady is cracked up.

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