
My cousin Christie is staying for a few days, and i always get emotional when she leaves (im 14)?

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Is there any ideas you have to keep my mind of it when she leaves.

I see her every 6 months, and for not very long.




  1. Have something planned for just after she leaves, so you dont have time to be too upset, like arrange to go out with your friends.  There's nothing wrong with missing your cousin, but after the initial upset when she's gone start thinking about things you can do together next time you meet up and concentrate on looking forward to when you will see her again, instead of being sad about the last time you met.

    Being 14's nothing to do with it, I get emotional too, and I'm 29!

  2. ok i c that u would get emontional (im 12 1/2) i only c my mom for 2 weeks during the summer, 2 weeks at christmas break, and 1 week for spring break. i can understand how u feel so try not to think that shes leaving, try to think about how much fun it was to be there with her and try taking pictures and/or videos to remember how much fun it was, i hope this helps u somewhat :)

  3. just remember that it makes it even more special that you oly see her every 6 months! also call her or text or email her often. or if you wanna do it the old fashioned way, send her a letter!

  4. Honestly, if you two lived together you would both get on each others nerves.  You guys will fight all the time and want to beat the c**p out of each other.  Just be glad you see her once ever 6 months.  

  5. awwh i used to get like that when my cousin stayed, and i only saw her once a year!

    id say when she leaves concentrate on the family that you have around you, make plans for the day she leaves either to go out with friends or spend time with someone you have fun with or even just with your family, which ever you enjoy best

    xx just keep your mind occupied on other things keep busy and you soon reajust to your normal schedule xx  

  6. Age has nothing to do with it.  It's always sad knowing you'll not see someone again for many months.

    If you can't email each other or talk on your cell phones, write each other letters - before and after the visit.

    What do you have in common?  

    There are so many changes during the teen years.

    I would make a list of what you want to do with her, then narrow it down to 1 or 2 things.  

    Since she's your cousin, I'm sure there going to be family things you have to do.

    While you're together, you might want to get a Mad Libs book.  Think of word ideas separately and when she leaves you can hand it or mail the answers to page 7.  She does the same for you.  Then when you start to feel mopey, you can read it and laugh.

    My son and his cousin has marked various pages in jokes books.  First read page 36.  He might leave a comment, "Sounds like grandma."

    So basically I'm telling you to give each other something to laugh about when you're apart so you'll be bittersweet rather than so sad.  

  7. well don't fell that way / the best thing you can do is to enjoy her stay and be mentally prepared for her departure you know there is many ways to be in touch ,  

  8. Be sad-cry and then get over it until you see her again. Emotions are a part of life honey-

  9. I Know EXACTLY what you're talking about....My cousin lives in Indiana and I probably get to see every 6 (or more) more months, and of course she never stays long. Plus, my parents won't take me to indiana to visit her. I think that's what keeps us so close. Otherwise, we'd be at each other's throats! lol....I use aim or my cellphone to talk to her. Email works and I have a webcam so I get to actually see .her every once in a while....Last time she visited, it was for a week and we hung all day at Six Flags Great America. We had a BLAST! But, that made it so much harder to see her leave again....

  10. Hmm. I know how you feel and a way to make you better is try to get msn with a camera then you can your cousin. You can try to call your cous. Maybe you can visit your cousin

  11. Im the same way when my mom visit,as much as I dislike her,when she visit once every year and stays for 4 days,I always get emotional when she leaves.Your just emotionally attached to her and miss her.It's just in your nature to get emotional cause you know your not gonna see her for another six months.Just tell yourself it's not like your never gonna see her again,just tell yourself 6 months will fly by and then you'll see eachother again,or talk on the phone,email,IM,do all that

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