
My cousin and my one of my best friends.

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alright, there is one of my best friends who ive know for a couple years now. and there is my cousin who just met my friend a couple months ago, aparently they like each other and they said nothing will happen because of the age difference, (girl 18 boy 14) but they still act all flirty and i just bite my tongue because its not my place to say anything. anyways now aparently there "best friends" so where does that leave me? it really gets me going when she isent there and my cousin brings her up in our conversation and basically brags about how much he talks to her and what they talk about.

what should i do? its really getting on my nerves




  1. that kinda happened to me just tell ur cuz dont hold it in the more u do the more madder or w/e u will get.

  2. Just tell him that you don't want to hear about it. Sometimes being blunt works.

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