
My cousin died when she was a baby and today is her 14th birthday?

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Is there anything special I can do for her to remember her? I can't visit her grave because it's too far away, but I just turned 14 and I hope she's celebrating in heaven (I'm sure it sounds cheesy, but I don't care.) So, is there anything I can personally do without my family (my aunt is here, she never got to meet my cousin and she is sort of depressed so we don't talk about her much. I don't mind a ton though, because I don't remember her so I have my own thoughts as to what she would look like if she was with us today etc.) Thanks so much !




  1. Light a candle and putup small prayer for her.Give food or fruits to  orphaned or go to any old age home celebrate ur cousin birthday and give some food for them.

  2. Prayer

  3. Maybe u could "help" her to experience a life of a 14yr old. Do things that a normal 14yr old would do and get to feel how she might feel. This may make you feel more attached to her and so to remember her. This may work, you'll never know unless you try! :]

    Sorry if i have bad English.

  4. Light a candle, put her pic next to it and say a little prayer!

  5. Light a candle and say a prayer. Dedicate the day to her and live it in her memory, live it for her because you can, I believe that that is the kind of thing loved ones in heaven love to see...

  6. My heart goes out to you. I also lost a nephew 3 years ago and my brother his wife and their other children let a helium balloon go every year for his birthday they say its the best way they get their message of love to him.  

  7. Well, I know that not much people are open minded enough to do this but you could learn how to embrace death. You could realize that it's OK to die.  Also maybe you could burn some flowers. Smoke rises to the Heavens and maybe materializes into flowers for your cousin. I don't really know much about death seeing as I am not dead, but it's worth a shot.

  8. set a balloon in the air to remember her by make it a Happy Birthday Balloon. That's what I have my grandson do to remember his mother by. We do it for all the holidays also on the day she died. Its a good way to keep the memory and a good tradition.

  9. Well if you know her favorite music play it all day long and think of all the good and funny things you can about her. You will feel much better.

  10. Hon you could plant a rose bush in her memory or some other kind of flower or shrub that would always be there. Perhaps you could get a helium balloon and write a note to it in her memory and let it loose. That is always nice too. Good Luck  

  11. Have a birthday party for her, and maybe write her a letter

  12. Why not have yourself a little private birthday celebration, and set a place for your cousin as if she were there. In memory of the young lady she would have been, had she lived.

    She may have incarnated into her next life already and be somewhere in the world living and growing and learning. ☺

  13. How about a nice bouquet of flowers and a cheery card for your aunt. Keep the moment on the light side, otherwise everybody will get in a funk. If you overdo it, it will just bring back the sorrow.

  14. Lie in bed, close your eyes, and talk out loud like you're talking to her. Tell her about your life, and how awesome it'd be if she was there with you. Tell her that you hope she's having a good time in heaven, and that you're hoping that she's safe there.

    =) It's not cheesy.

    Oh right, say "Happy Birthday", too.

  15. Just keeping her in you thoughts on her birthday is special. Do something in her honor or dedicate something of yourself to her, like a poem or a song or a painting that you made. Some of the best work a person can create is inspired of someone else. But don't make this day a sad one- you want to celebrate how much she means to you and your family, not grief over her premature death.

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