
My cousin has just bought 2 fish and one of them has a big belly-could it be pregnant?

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what should she do if it lays the eggs?




  1. Pile stones or shells with small access so the 2 can't get in.If it has fry they will go into it for safety.If they come grind fish flakes until tiny for feed.

  2. Some fish are just chubby lil' buggers, I would wait and see, it may be too young to be able to breed, but you never know, if it does end up laying eggs, take the eggs and put them into a tank of their own, about 5 gallon tank, have an air stone in there, and put a nylon sock over the filter so that when/if they do hatch, the babies once they become free swimming do not get sucked into the filtration system. If the eggs turn a cottony white, they are not viable and will rot, remove them if this happens.

  3. What type of fish is it? Tropical? What does it look like?

    If its not pregnant.. Could it be a balloon molly?

    If its a female live bearer, it could be pregnant, those fish get pregnant easily when there are males around.

    Look for a dark spot on its belly, if its there, then those are babies..  

  4. Unless I'm mistaken fish don't get pregnant...they lay eggs which are then fertilised externally by the male (except in a few rare cases).

    On a different note I too have a fat belly but I think its highly unlikely I am pregnant.

    While I am here I love you too and I don't care if you love me back - I know we can't be together every weekend so I understand if its the end for you and me. X

  5. Fish do not get pregnant, they lay eggs and a male fertilizes them or not.

  6. It could be pregnant, or it could be fat. The only way to know for sure is to have it pee on a fish pregnancy tester.

  7. Possibly, your cousin will need to watch them closely.

    If the fish does lay eggs both she and the eggs need to be

    seperated from any other fish. Go to your nearest pet

    store and ask advice.

  8. Need to know what kind of fish it is, could be a live bearer in which case it does not lay eggs it could be pregnant!

    I have a couple of pregnant fish just now.

    Brings a tear to me eye so it does

  9. lol probs or its fat  stand on it makes the eggs come out :D


    and if you  dont decide to do that take it ack tot he shop new fish !

  10. if you tell me what type of fish it is and its species, i can help, tropical or coldwater or saltwater? (i cant really help with saltwater, my expertise (hehe) is in tropicals.) so yeah inform me and i will help.

  11. yes it can be pregnant what fish is it? if it is a live bearer as in delivers live babies it will have a gravid spot a black shoal which are the babies eyes and bodies forming inside her she will also have a white tube under her belly to where she will give birth

    if it is a egg layer then u need to have a well planted tank for the eggs to hide in and loads of marbles etc for the eggs to sink under away from the parents hope this helps u out and good luck  

  12. Yes if its a livebearer, BUT i once had a fish who looked as if pregnant and actually had a tumor. Most likely is pregnant though. If you want help contact me cos my fish are practically famous for having so many babies!!!  

  13. make sure the fish cant eat the babys wen they hatch i know coz my fish had loads of babys but coz there so small big fish eat them

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