
My cousin is 12 and she wants to know some job ideas she could do?

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every one says shes too young to babysit and she just needs some ideas and we have already tried looking it up on google it doesnt help




  1. she might be able to become a counselor in training at a day-camp.  she could mow lawns or help neighbors do stuff like gardening.

  2. Babysitting is great, she could run errands for folks like return their library books(if within bike distance), she should talk with neighbors and see who needs what.  She could be asked to help organize a garage on a saturday and get paid well.  I once babysat for a mom who worked from home, she just needed me to entertain/feed the kids for a couple hours while she was working in her office.

  3. She can just do regular house chores.  I agree, 12 is too young to babysit and i reccomend her waiting until she is about 13-14.

  4. she may be too young to babysit on her own, but could she have family friends' kids and cousin over while her parents are home to help in emergencies and teach her how to care for and deal with the kids.

  5. Well many answers to those type of questions generally say to mow lawns besides baby sitting or internet survey websites.


  7. She is too young to babysit, but has she thought of being a mother's helper?  She can help watch the children while the mom is home and busy doing something else (my neighbor's daughter did this when she was 12yo).

    Helping an elderly neighbor with house/yard chores or walking dogs all seem to be popular ways for kids in our area to make extra money.  Good Luck.

  8. Here is the truth. Your right she is to young to babysit and besides walking dogs in the neighborhood that is it. There really is no job for a 12 year old. Let her stick to her chores and wait until she is older.

  9. she should be a hooker

  10. paper route or doing chores for other family members

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