
My cousin is 5 years old and he is special ed i have been helping him with spelling easy words am I doing good

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My cousin is special ed and is 5 years old. I am trying to help him spell 3 letter words. And usually we fight like all the time. So am I doing something right?




  1. Love your willingness to help..   However, the fighting may come because he is not ready to do somethings. It may be that 3 letter words are just a tad too hard for him right now.  Start with the SOUNDS and names of the letters, consonants first, then vowels... then simple spelling.  He should also ne working on counting to 10, then 20, then 100 etc.   Use objects and point to numbers when you see them.   He needs to be exploring his environment , perhaps with your guidance to explain his many questions and keep him safe.   Vocabulary ,Vocabulary, vocabulary needs to be developed.  So play games with him,use color names, proper speech, and name the toys and talk about what you are doing.  Read to him and get him those wordless books, so that he can use the pictures to figure out the story ( Carl book series are great to start with).   Then have him tell you the story using the pictures.   Find pictures that interest him and have him tell you a story or describe it.  You write down the story udnerneath the pictue and help him read  his story.   Also, Dr. Seuss type books and repetitive books like Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see  are good for his age. You will become his favorite cousin!  See if you can find those plastic magnetic letters.  The first thing he needs to learn to spell is his first name, then beginning letters of words etc.   Stick with short vowel sounds like cat, dog, sat,hat etc. when you get to words until he gets good at those.

    And for Christmas, if you exchange gifts , write a story with your cousin as a main character.  You can use people and places he knows in the story.   Get those magnetic letters for him, a simple game such as Candyland  is good, and play it with him so he can learn the rules and taking turns.   Kids that age love magnets and art supplies of any kind. Also, puzzles, big boxes to play in, tape, glue etc.   Also, at this time of year you may be able to find an amaryllis bulb and have him plant and water it.  Once it starts to grow, it will grow quickly.  You can help your cousin measure the stalk each day  and keep track on a chart.  It will blossom with two or three huge flowers , sometimes you will get more than one flower stalk.  I guess the idea is to relax and have fun with him.  If he needs help with homework then help him with that.   If he is homeschooled or you want appropriate practice materials, go to the government website below and order the reading materials for grades K-3.  These are free, they don't even charge shipping or tax.  Have fun, and don't fight.  He needs how to get along with otehrs and you are his role model.

  2. Anyone trying to help someone learn a language is doing something good, whether he does it well or not.  So, you fight.  Big deal.  Kids fight.

    Why don't you try to make it into a game so your cousin likes it?  Let him earn points that he can use for something he values, or every time he gets something right he is allowed to shoot a basket or do something he enjoys.

  3. You may want to try working in shorter time frames, since any young child has a small attention span. A point and reward system is good, as long as you can find out what he truly wants, whether it be a physical thing or a high five. Also make sure you focus on his improvements and not on his weaknesses!!!!

  4. Your cousin is only 5, has special needs and you're trying to teach him to spell three letter words- the effort you are putting in is commendable. But, keep in mind that most kindergartners can't spell three letter words only a few months into the school year, so he may be frustrated by his inability to get it right. This needs to be fun for him, with no real pressure so try to make it into a game. Maybe you could start with the word "at" this is only two letters, but you can show him once he has it down how by adding only one more letter in front it makes many different words like cat, mat, bat etc. Maybe he could draw pictures of each one, or you could have some stickers that look like the words. Other two letter words that can be added to are "it" "to" "be" etc. Getting those words down will be a boost for him, they're real words, and as his confidence grows, he'll get more of the three letter words right and be able to move onward.

  5. Of course u r doing something good. I believe that if u maybe doing something which irritates and annoys him so u could do the following:

    Do it practically...

    Like show him a car and then ask the spelling , if its correct he gets the car and if wrong the car gets in Ur basket...

    In the end who has the most toys will win.make him win so he can get encouraged.

    here are some things u can play with:

    "car,box(decorated),ant(in a box or toy),bin,fox(model or picture),sun(model or picture),gun"

    After his victory u can say that now he a good boy, intelligent , sweet etc to make him more encouraged.

    U can also promise him to give him something or take him somewhere...

    Do u know that some special toys are also available 4 teaching such children...

    U can also make out a rhyme from it like;

    C A R is a car. If u break I'll make up a war.

    G U N is a gun. I'll play with it in the shinning sun.

    F O X is a fox . If I find it I'll bring it in a box.

    and so on... and u and ur cousin can dance on it to , just to make him happy

    I take the guaranty that he'll love it and he'll come closer to his studies.

    Good Luck!

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