
My cousin is a big girl, she is really insecure and wore a t shirt over her bathing suit?

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the other day, she wasnt in the pool for 10 minutes when the apartment manager yelled at her to get out, because she had normal clothes on. My cousin is VERY insecure and she is in the process of losing weight and isnt ready to wear a bathing suit... what are the reasons, BESIDES the color of the shirt might leak into the pool are there for her to ban her from the pool?




  1. Normal clothes hold more water, and therefore are heavier than a normal bathing suit when they're wet. Because they are heavier, it is harder to swim, and more likely that someone could drown than if they were wearing a typical bathing suit. So it's a safety precaution/liability thing.

  2. I don't know the answer to that, but maybe she could get a less revealing suit. I wear a tankini, with a full tanktop style top and a skirted bottom. It covers as much as a Tshirt, but is more comfy, and you can get slightly tighter bottoms for extra "tummy control". Not to mention it looks better...

  3. It could be a liability for the apartment complex. Her shirt could get stuck in a vent/suction thing and she could drown.

  4. Most swimming pools have rules barring street clothes. Clothes harbor much more sweat and bacteria than would ever be able to stick to your skin or swim suit. All the extra stuff puts a toll on the pool chemistry and makes it harder to keep the water balanced. It's harder to keep a little apartment pool balanced compared to a big pool because there's no margin for error.

    If it wasn't just a "street clothes" issue, it could be the material. My local pool recently outlawed cotton of any kind. I'm not sure of the reason, but I think it has to do with cotton fibers clogging the filtration system.

    Don't waste your time demonizing the apartment management. Your cousin needs to buy a swimsuit for the body she has now. It need not be revealing. She needs to realize that her perception of her body doesn't necessarily match with reality. Keep supporting her -- I've been there and I know what's she's going through.

  5. tell her to get an oversize rash shirt,and then tell the manager it is to do with sun protection like spf 45 or something and well he can pay the future medical costs if she contracts melanoma

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