
My cousin is being stupid about mermaids.?

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there is this stupid spell that she tried.

its supposed to turn you into a mermaid. (

yeah you can search 43 things mermaid spell

& itll come up. it says your supposed to

have side effects & she is.

i dont know if shes stupid & faking it or what.

but shes laying on the couch right now

because shes super dizzy.

(the side effects say DIZZINESS)

is she faking it? (cause shes panting & acting like its

for real)

(i know mermaids arent real but hey, they found bigfoot)




  1. Dizziness is also a sign of pregnancy!

  2. she has been brainwashed.

  3. Sometimes when a person reads something, their mind can be decieved by it. For instance I suffer from Orthostatic Hypotension a lot and I told my mom about it. She read up on it and soon was gaining it as well, even though she never had the blackouts like I do.

    So in a sense she is faking it, but her mind may think she really is going to become a mermaid.

  4. There's no such thing as mermaids or magic spells.  It's all in her head.

  5. Did she spin around, while running vigorously during the spell?

    That could account for the panting and dizzyness

    Don't worry :D it's not real

  6. Power of suggestion is why she is dizzy. If this so called spell said that a side effect was vomiting, chances are she'd be talking on the big porcelain telephone.

  7. In the past people on boats like a sloop or other, were sailing to what was the Caribbean, and saw what they thought were mermaids around Florida. But what they saw, was a Manatee. If you believe in witchcraft, which I don't, You'll believe in anything. And be not so bright. Your cousin is faking.

  8. How old is your cousin?

  9. Its probably the crack, not the fake spell.

  10. she's most likely pulling one over on you .

    and it's rediculous cause you're giving her more fuel to her fire by almost believing it.

    just ignore her and she'll stop

  11. First, make sure that she's not actually suffering from a serious medical condition.  Take her to the doctor if necessary.

    When you've established that she's in full health, take her down to your local swimming pool and chuck her in, far enough up from the shallow end so that she can't hit her head on the bottom.

    Ask her if she's grown a mermaid tail.

    If the answer is 'No!' then tell her to get out, get dried off and shut up about ****ing mermaids.

  12. Ask here if she's taken here medication this morning.

  13. the dizziness is in her head, literally.

  14. the spell is real, and it could definatly be a side affect. make sure shes ok and help her. the spell is worth it.

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