
My cousin is in the Marine Corps Reserve and was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder will he be discharged?

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He went to a psychiatrist two days ago and was diagnosed with Social Anxiety disorder and was prescribed Xanax. I don't think he has notified them yet but what are the odds of him being discharged? Does the Marine Corps routinely discharge Marines who have been diagnosed with mental disorders/illnesses?




  1. Let me put it this way: if you have a mental problem, it's up to you to get kicked out. Let me explain.

    Unlike a physical disability, you have some kind of control over your mental disabilities. You can still follow orders, you can still run, you can still shoot. The only way that they'd discharge you for it is if you can prove that it's that big of an issue that you'll become a liability to the Marine Corps instead of a capable, good, well-functioning Marine.

    If you want out with a mental disorder, all you have to do is make a big deal of it.

    If you want to stay in, all you have to do is not be a big baby about it.

    For those that have actually SERIOUS mental problems, they end up in a mental hospital, not just discharged.

    If he needs to talk about it, he can email me...I've had to play with this little song and dance...not for a mental problem, but it's all the same.

  2. most likely yes  

  3. this is sgt. walter i have been in 6 combat situations 3 of witch i was shot! and your cousin has the nerve to have "anxiety" or complain about it! was he shot! was he injured! did he loose a limb or hand!!! tell him to get his *** out there and fight!!!!!!! go down with honor!!! Howrah!!

  4. Yes. Anxiety disorders are disqualifying for entry into the armed forces. And those types of disorders pre-date entry. So, he will be discharged with a general discharge under honorable conditions for a pre-existing disqualifying condition. The source below is the medical standard

  5. Most likely he will not be in these times. My husband has been diagnosed with PT SD Anxiety and Agoraphobia. These diagnosis came 2 months after he left the Army. The Army had him on 5 different anti-psychotic/anti-depression meds at the same time and sent him to Iraq with all his meds and told him to make sure to keep taking them. While in the Army they told him he had indigestion and to go back to work.  

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