
My cousin is really, tall, and really young? Is it okay?

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My cousin just turned 12, and he is already practically as tall as me and i'm 17. He is about 5'10. His parents aren't terribly tall either. His mom is 5'3 and his father is around 5'10. Is he okay? Or could there be something wrong in his body? Like many his body is producing to many growth hormones in the pituatary gland or something? How could he get this checked out?




  1. Tumour of the pituitary gland.

    But, some people are just tall and there is nothing wrong with them, he may just be tall for his age now, but may not grow much more in the future.

  2. He may have a grandparent who was 6'6". If the parents are worried , have him see an Endocrinologist.  Nothing wrong with being tall. Definite advantage in life unless you go to extremes.

    Kids hit their groth spurts at different ages.  I don't think it is time to worry yet.  

    Since you cannot make them shorter, and the family is concerned, an Endocrinologist could detect a problem if there is one, and reassure everyone if there is not.

  3. This is typical in children a growth spurt is nothing to be concerned with. What your cousin can develop in results of his growth spur would be a disease call Osh-Good Slagger (not sure if I spelled this correctly) but close it is where the body can not help up with the demands placed on the bones. Once the body stops growing and able the bones to grow than the growth plates in the bones will heal and everything will be back to normal. You will usually see this occur in the tibia or around the knee with mild pain sometimes severe.

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