
My cousin just died.... I'm getting sick?

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My cousin Aecho Holmes died September 1st 2008 as a result of a 2 car accident. I didn't really know her as well as the rest of my cousins but im having a tough time dealing with it. I've been in comlplete denial for the last 2 days... and within the hour of finding out she died I've had... symptonms.... I'm freezing cold, I can't stop shaking, I'm sick to my stomach, I can't concentrate on anything & I just fell like bawling my eyes out... and it all came about when I heard the news.. is it normal to react this way?





  1. I don't thin k this is normal.. Maybe you should talk to some one who can help you.. Have you tried telling your mom or some one else..?

  2. Maybe you should think about it and think things like this happen maybe do something in remebrance of her. You will go through those steps of death that we learned about in health class lol.

    Good Luck and i am sorry for your loss, let her R.I.P

  3. i just think you are having a hard time dealing with it that you are making your body sick

    i would just calm down

  4. r.i.p aecho school is sooo sad now!

  5. sometimes people have physical manifestations of depression and fear or sadness. my suggestion would be to talk to someone maybe your parents or your other cousins. maybe a professional. death can be hard to deal with but know that it is a part of life and if you believe in reincarnation like i do, you will see them again. I'm sorry for your loss. good luck

    oh and remember crying is a natural thing. it lets your body get rid of a lot of energy that might be blocking up your body. its ok to cry. :)

  6. i think its shock

  7. your in shock and denial

  8. Yes it's normal. It's just your body's reaction to the stress of it, your body is under an immense amount of stress right now. Don't suppress, deny, ignore or hide any feelings about the issue as this will make you more sick. Cry a lot if you have to, talk to someone about how it makes you feel, acknowledge the feelings. You denying it is like keeping in toxins that will explode under pressure, and the sickness you feel is the pressure building. Get it all out!

  9. maybe your feeling depressed =/

  10. You are experiencing symptoms of shock, and possibly anxiety. Please take a table spoon of straight granulated sugar, that will help with the shock. Listen, everything is going to be ok, I know how painful death can be, as I lost 4 people in one year, just last year that I was very close with and one more last month. I also almost lost my best friend and his kids to death two nights ago when they were in a horrible car wreck. I really think you should go and see your doctor and talk to him and you might want to be around good friends to talk. Are you talking to family or friends about what you are feeling~~? It will help, and I will pray for you in a second and when I go to bed tonight. God bless you and if you want to talk please e-mail me if you like~~!

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