
My cousin wants to do volunteer work? ?

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Hi, I have a 13-year-old cousin who wants to do volunteer work and she looking for work. My aunt is looking for some volunteer work for her, but can hardly find any. What type of volunteer work could a thirteen-year-old do? She was interested in becoming a candy striper but she wants more options. Thanks!




  1. try the library . . . our county library has teenagers come in after school to reshelve books . .

    check to see if there is a VOA (Volunteers of America) office in your area  

  2. Libraries always accept free help you can always try there! you could also try animal shelters

  3. try animal shelters or hospitals.

  4. Does she belong to a church? If so, there should be plenty of options. If she likes animals she could volunteer at an animal shelter, or maybe at an after school program for kids if she likes to work with them. It just depends on what her interests are. If you know those, then you can find an opportunity to volunteer that she would like.

  5. I was going to say an animal shelter as well... is there an ASPCA or HUMANE SOCIETY in her area.  They always need people to help with walking the dogs and giving them love... I bet there is even local rescue services that would appreciate her help!

  6. ANIMALS . . . a shelter or humane society would be a great start.  

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