
My cousin wants to graduate into shortboard riding. he is about 5 ft 7in. and weighs 145?

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i was wondering about what height shortboard he should get? i'm a bit taller mines like 6 ft 3in




  1. Hmm... Lets see, how good is he with a longboard?  If he can move it around maybe catch a decent wave he's ready.  I'm his same height and 109 pounds lol, I ride a 5'10 1and a half inches thick, he's going to be needing the exact spec.s im given.  Ive got a friend about his size who surfs, he'll need 6'1 2 and a half inches thick and 20-22 inches wide.  If he cant fnd this I think he'll be able to manuver pretty well with a 6'4 at maximum.  NOOOOO!!! BIGGER THAN 6'4 IM A TOP ANSWERER TRUST ME!!!!

  2. Assuming that he is familiar with water safety, is competent enough to catch waves, and can reasonably manuveur his board, I would recommend that he try other people's shortboards to get an idea of what length he is most comfortable with.   Progression with surfing is like going to school; i.e. graduating from 2nd grade does not mean you can jump ahead to 7th grade.  So, I would recommend that he try various lengths (anywhere from 7'6" to 6'10") to see what the next length should be.  Once he is competent with the shorter length, then move to a shorter board again until he is comfortable with the length that will he feels he can competently perform the desired "surf moves."  In the end, based on his height and weight (assuming he stays the same or around the same), he should be in the range of 6'0" to 6'5".   Width, thickness, length, tail type, rail type, and bottom design are all factored in as he progresses and knows what works for him.  For now, he should just find the next shorter length that he can comfortably surf and improve on.  And, this can only be accomplished by trying out other people's boards.

  3. I am 6'0 and have a 6'1 epoxy. So he should get around between a 5'8 and 5'11

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