
My cousins and siblings say incest is 'normal' in a family. ?

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My sister and a male first cousin had a one night stands, which I think is bad enough. But my younger brother and older first cousin also had an 'affair'. He was like 35 and she is in her sixty's. I think it's disguisting, but they are trying to tell me this is more common than I realize and I'm just being judgemental.

What do you say? Also, the male cousin my age confessed years ago that he has been in love with me. Is there a bad gene in my family or am I just being naieve?




  1. In civilised countries, this is definitely incest, without doubt or question, though many of the more primitive Arabic and some southern European countries readily practice this incest: It shows ...

  2. It is very very common but a lot of wester(the US even more so) society like to admit.  But 20%, yes 20%! 1 in 5 marriages in the world even today are with 1st cousins.(So even more have had an 'affair' with one)

    It is NOT against the law in most countries, or even 1/2 of the USA, and It is NOT against the Bible.  Anyone who know anything about DNA well also tell you that in most family it is not that bad for the gene pool.  Most baby born from any incest(even br/sis) are NOT deformed in anyway, they just a bit more likey to be.  Most of the time it's:
    Anyone not family 3%
    1st cousins aboyt 4-5%(or the same as a women over 40)
    Incest about 7%, but it down to what in there DNA.

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