
My coworker has a stepdaughter who has 2 kids, and she is very rough with the 11month old.?

by  |  earlier

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My son (13 month old) and I went to a coworker's house for july 4th. My coworker has a stepdaughter, who is staying with her temporarily with her two boys. She is extremely rough with the 11mth old, she smacks him on the back hard and forces him to lay on her while she tries to rock him to sleep when he isnt even sleepy! She strapped him to a car seat, gave him a bottle and threw a thick blanket on him. I looked in horror and wondered if I hadn't been in the room would she have done the same thing. She left the baby and went outdoors. She yells at him. The oldest boy's dad use to beat on him to try to make him "tough", and this woman use to be on drugs. 2 of her kids were adopted out. I asked my coworker what is she going to do about this, and she told me that she has called the dfs three times and they don't consider her unfit, but they do consider both boys fathers unfit. She spanked the baby for opening the cabinets, for God's sake. I was disturbed but what can I do ?




  1. Call and report to the authorities!  That is not okay behavior and it just breaks my heart!!!

  2. if i were you id report her to the authorities . no person should  act the way she did to a baby .

  3. Call in onher and then slap her around and then ask her if it felt good

  4. well you can call child protective but if they dont so anything i guess its outta your hands maybe minding your own business is the way to go despite how you feel about this monster that does this to her baby i feel for him and hes in my prayers good for you for being a concerned mom but somethings are better left alone give her rope the ***** will hang herself!!!

  5. I would definatly report her..but I suppose if they don't find any bruises or anything like that they won't do anything.  But at least it would be on record then.  It is sad seeing people treat their children that way.

  6. "I was disturbed but what can I do ?"  Call CPS she is obviously abusing this child.  The problem with CPS is that they usually call the parent in question before they make a "house call"  this give the parents time to "clean up their act" and make everything look good.  That is the problem that I have with social services.

  7. I would report her. Maybe if they see that more than one person is concerned about the way this mom is treating her children then they will look into it a little better. And at least it will be on record. That is a tough situation. No baby deserves that. Good luck and I hope that DFS will listen to you.

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