
My coworker just fluffed whilst rushing by my desk...?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think I should say something to her when she walks (or possibly fluffs) back by?

She seemed like she was in some sort of hurry... too many beans last night, maybe??




  1. Just rush by her desk and give her a good q***f...that will shut her to speak...♥

  2. Thank you for clarifying fluff. I thought it meant she perked up the girls.  

  3. Put some beano on her desk. She'll get the hint.

  4. Well the first thing I'd do is blow that d**n candle out...

  5. Could be....this is a good place for a stick up!

  6. Do you mean farted?  Work up a good one then go by her desk and let it rip.  Tell her "Got you back!" then go back to work!

    f**t (fluff is something p**n stars to to keep the men ready!)

  7. i dont get it, i thought girls did not p**p? did the league of woman voters lie to me again?

  8. See now that's graounds for an @ssbeating right there.

  9. I like PB & fluff

  10. HAHAHA!

    thats really funny,

    maybe she was rushin to the toilet. ew!

    when she walks by again, dont say anything... fluff right back!  

  11. I thought a "fluffer" does prep work, like pre-s*x work?  Drive by fluffing.

  12. So "fluff" = f**t? That's weird...

  13. buy candles.

  14. I'm with A.J. as to my interpretation of fluffing. But if when she fluff's it smells like snuggle bear dryer sheets give her my #. I will hire her to be my life sized air freshener and she also gets all the beans and broccoli she can eat.

  15. haha now I know you're from Perry... my grandma is the only other person I've ever heard say that

  16. tell her "this is a no fluff zone"

  17. It's too late for words. OFF WITH HER HEAD!!

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