
My coworkers rearranged my station while i was gone..what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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I left for maybe an hour and when i returned my teller station was completely different. They moved around all of my stuff! I think that was very rude of them but i dont know how to approach the situation. My boss doesnt really seem to like me so I'm not sure if she's the one who did it, but i dont think that appropriate to move around other people's stuff. Nobody has even mentioned doing it so i dont know who to talk to about it. Should I move my stuff back and just not say anything?




  1. it was a joke.  put it back and keep quiet.

  2. Its definitly a joke, the reason they did it most likely wasn't to be mean or malicious. It was probably a joke to loosen you up or something. I would retaliate back though, theres nothing like a good prank war to boost office morale  

  3. Yeah it does suck but if they no it bothers you then they will do it over and over again!

    Leave it the way it is and start to make nice comments about it!

    wow i never thought about putting that there i like it! smile and let it go!

  4. I'm guessing it was a joke as well, but that would still tick me off

    I would be so hot lol goodness

  5. I wouldn't find it rude if it happened to me, I'd think it was really funny and try to think up something even funnier to do to them.  

    Or, to really wind them up, just keep it as it is and say nothing.  They'll be really annoyed if they think it didn't wind you up.  

    I would just try to lighten up a bit and not take things so seriously.  

  6. I would think that they were just joking around - yes indeed anyone would get upset - that's natural when people mess with your stuff - instead of getting angry why not just ask "did anyone move my stuff"? Someone would have to step up and yes and when they do, just tell them "ok well just tell me next time" etc....

  7. Try not to be so anal.

    Get over it

  8. It was probably a joke!  

    If it does bother you that much go into the break room at lunch and say  "Alright, you got me!  Who switched my stuff around?"  When they finally fess up take that person aside and ask them nicely not to touch your things.  You may get an apology  or a good laugh out of it.

  9. some one else could have had to work in your place.  they could have thought this place is trashed i'll try to clean up.  if your stuff as you call it was not in the trash then o kay.  i think you should just DEAL WITH IT AND STOP WITH THIS SILLY SHIRT. go to work and pay your bills

  10. I am a tradesman.

    Our tool boxes are very much like an office workers work station. There is an unwritten rule. Touch my tools without asking and you WILL get some serious trouble.

    As far as pranks go, Those who think they are funny are usually the ones that are never on the receiving end. Trouble is they get out of hand when one tries to outdo the other. Usually it is some unassuming type of person who is not likely to fight back is on the receiving end.

    I have on 3 occaisons pulled men apart fighting, fist fights, over a prank that just got out of hand.

    It is that bad that in many instances it is very clear in many employment contracts that pranks or practicle joke are not tolerated and will result in instant dismissal.

    I cant stand that sort of c**p and if some one does it to me they can expect big trouble. Last time it happened to me the guy ended up with a busted nose and the sack.

    I am a plumber so you can imagine what he filled my tool box up with.

    You could make it very clear to everyone that you were none too impressed and in the future to leave you stuff alone. You probably have a right to make a formal complaint to your boss but is it worth it.

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