
My crazy dream, what does it mean?

by  |  earlier

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So I had a dream I was at my aunts house. I love this house, btw, its in a little town that my family grew up in, and its right by the mountains. But anyway, the dream started with me and my sister in the house, except I don't have a sister, well I do, but she's 5 and this girl was different, but she was my sister I guess. (I just had a thought, maybe it was the sister I would have had, but my mom misscarried.) Anyway, I answered the door after it range, and there was this old man. Like, so old he could have doubled as an egyptian mummy. He was apart of a people, called the Gangi, I'm not sure if that's even a word, but thats what he told me. And he said I had to to do something, like stop the green mold on the mountain. But I decided that I'd rather not do that, and the old man started a crazy storm. And then it was raining and lightening and everything, but then the dream switched to something happier. What do you think it means?




  1. Maybe you just want to go do something like go & so something fun & crazy but then something is holding you back O.o

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