
My creamino lovebird regurgitates his or hers food.?

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My creamino lovebird regurgitates his or hers food.?




  1. They tend to do that to show affection. It could be towards you, a favorite toy, their reflection if you have a mirror in their cage.....

    You don't have to rush out and buy another bird or anything like that. It is a way they show affection to other birds when it's mating time, but you don't have to breed them.

    If you don't like the bird doing it, figure out what's setting it off (is it a toy, a perch, something else?- if you can find it, remove it from the cage. If the bird is regurgitating on you, it can be a little more tricky...)

    It also doesn't 100% mean you have a male. Males tend to do the behavior more, but females can as well. Sexing a lovebird by behaviors is like saying all people with brown hair are boys, just not a good way to tell. With lovebirds, unless your bird lays eggs, or you get a DNA test, you can never know for sure. (DNA tests are really easy and cheap if you ever want to find out. Clip a nail for a little blood on a test card or pluck a few chest feathers, send it in, $20 for blood testing, $25 for feather, then in just a few days you have your results....)

  2. They usually do that to show affection, like feeding you......

  3. It's a male. He's probably reached maturity and he his practicing bringing his food back up so he can feed his future mate.

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