
My credit score is 670 , but im having a problem getting a credit card . any suggestions?

by Guest65039  |  earlier

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i hjave 2 seriously overdue paymenst both of $168.00 why am i having a problem getting a credit card so i can establish some future credit?




  1. you have SERIOUS overdues as you stated, and now you are worry about FUTURE credit?!!! Wake up and take care of your current problem, and you might be able to save your credit.

  2. I agree with the other answers, late payments show that you are too much of a financial risk to creditors. It also shows that you are unable to handle the current debt or credit that you have, which would make them wonder why they would extend more credit to you.

    Late payments will stay on your credit report for 7 years and their impact reflects on you ability to get credit as well as your credit score.

    If you are having a problem getting credit, you should get a secured credit card. You take your own money and put it into a account and that is your credit limit. You should make small purchases and pay off the balance every month, or at least keep the balance below 35%.

    Good Luck

  3. any late payments is bad even one. get better credit then youll geta card

  4. Late payment will keep creditors from issuing you a line a credit. The best suggestion I could give you would b to first call the people that you owe money to and ask them if they would be willing to work out a payment plan with you and pay it off. It will still be listed on your credit as late, but at least it will also be listed as paid. In a few years it will come off your credit and no one will know that you are late ( as long as you don't do it again). Also try applying for credit at department stores, they often do not check as deep as major credit card issuers do. If you over due accounts are now with a collections agency they will sometimes take the item off your report if pay it off. Try calling and see what you can work out. Best of luck.

  5. Judging from your spelling I'm going to guess that you're young. Probably 18 to 20. Having seriously overdue payments is a big problem, even if they are small. Especially if you are young.


    Because when people who give you credit look at your report they are looking for a "history" of good behavior vs. bad behavior.

    If you have more GOOD than bad then it's alright to sometimes have a couple accounts that you might be behind on. But when your'e first starting out you want to be really, really good ALL THE TIME. To prove to the banks that you are someone that is going to pay the bills!

    Hope this information helps!

  6. Sorry but if you have 2 seriously overdue payments of that amount I highly doubt your credit score is still 670 which is why you cannot get a credit card

  7. That is your problem. Late payments are bad. You may also have too big of a balance. You don't need another card. Keep the one you have and start making on time payments. As soon as you pay down the one you have to 0, charge something small and pay it all.

  8. First you are having problems getting a credit card because you are presently delinquent on your credit.  Credit card companys don't want to see you delinquent, and will not offer you credit if you are behind.  You answered your own questions, you are seriously overdue/behind on (2) payments, and it doesn't matter how much it is, they don't care, you are behind.  If you want to establish credit, which you already have with the card that is overdue, you will have to pay this amount down, and then you will have to begin to pay your account on time.  Once you have bad credit it is so hard to get the trust of the creditors, until you show that you are credit worthy by paying on time, and when it is reflected on your credit bureau report.  You should get some books on credit, credit cards, money , money management and debt, so that you can see how they all work together or not together.  You need a better understanding of how to manage your money etc.  Hope this helps.

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