
My crested gecko is biting the my other one's butt?

by  |  earlier

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My friend gave me her 2 crested geckos. Sometimes they chase each other around the tank. One attacks the other in the rear, does anyone know why they would do this? They are both the same age, one male, one female. Neither one of them have a tail.




  1. Maybe they are mating

  2. because, they think it's the other one's head!!! DUH!!!

  3. Sometimes even male and female reptiles can be aggressive toward each other. I would separate them right away or you could have an injury on your hands.

  4. Time to separate them.  Although they are different genders, one can sometimes be overly aggressive to the other.  Having one constantly harass the other one is going to lead to stress and illness.  You really need to get them separated as they probably ripped each others' tails off in the first place.

    No need to cause them any more stress.

  5. probably 2 males you should separate them immediately!

  6. They'll drop tails in time of stress or injury.  They should be separated into their own tanks if they show aggression.

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