
My crush is a jerk.. what do i do??

by Guest63320  |  earlier

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hes a grade older than me, we're in middle school, same bus,, rumors have been spread.. NOT TRUE.. he believes them tho. now he hates me!! he wont trust me when i tell him they weren't true.. WHAT TO DO!!

ANY HELP HERE??????????




  1. Just because you believe rumors doesn't make you a jerk.  But I would get over him, if you don't think it can work out.

  2. is he wont believe u...then he's being a jerk...there 4 u should move on....and i no its hard but its better in the long run.

  3. you said it!!! he's a huge jerk. he's probably flattered that you like him but he sounds dumb. it sounds like hes an 8th grade boy and ur a 7th grade girl. well 8th grade boys are jerks. lol i should know, im an 8th grade girl. it depends on how mature they are. whenever he tries to make fun of you or talk to you just tell him that hes not worth liking.

    good luck!

  4. o easy don't like him anymore...can you really see yourself having a jerk for a crush? I can't!  

  5. do me a favor and focus on wats important YOUR EDUCATION.  

  6. if he's a jerk, why do you like him?

  7. well, then get over him

    (as hard as that my be)

  8. Look, if hes a jerk, surely you know that the best thing for you is to get him out of your life!

  9. why bother then? ignore him and he'll figure it out eventually

  10. u should know the answer.

  11. Oh wow, that's like a total p**s off ! A crush is a crush you can't help who you like, but you could always try to forget about him, you don't need him in your life and if he's being a jerk and not understanding then you deserve WAY better than him =]

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