
My cube mate is so nosy, he's always looking in my cube?

by  |  earlier

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I mean did he lose something in my cube? Or if I turn around he's looking at me and I hate it! It's so annoying! I don't even turn around anymore it sucks! What am I supposed to do? I'm like dude I'm not looking at you! Stop looking in my cube? What should I do?




  1. State very clearly to him what you expect. That if he wants to see you or talk to you he must walk to the opening of your cubicle  like any other employee.  Write down the tiem and date of this conversation. If he continues, write him an email on the company e-mail re-stating it. Be clear and no-emotional, simply stating what you expect.

    If he does it again, complain to human resources and/or your immediate supervisor.Bring out the date of the verbal conversaton and a copy of the email.

  2. get a spray bottle.  Fill it with WATER,  everytime he comes in the cube,  sprits him.  If he asks why,  tell him you are spraying for pests.

  3. Put a cardboard or something between him and you and tell him it's nothing personal and you just have paranoia privacy issues.  If you want to get really fancy you can also consider getting a huge whiteboard/bulletin board and say you want to use it to write note and such.

  4. Get a very bright light with a reflector.

    Get a mirror to see when he looks.

    Turn the light on when he does.

    Then feel unwanted when he stops looking...

    Nobody wants an ugly person staring at them, but when even the ugly ones stop oggling you, you start to worry....

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