
My cusin want to know(not me okay) who think there should build the mega border between usa and mexico?

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and why




  1. I agree 100% with clintonbill39. In fact as a Marine trained sniper I would take my days off and vacation days off to go down to the border and put illegals in the ground. No need for a fence. Just a couple of backhoes and a couple of pickup trucks. Someone digs a big hole, a couple of my friends and I fill the hole with the carcasses of illegals and then someone caovers them up. No problem, no fence

  2. Not me! it's a very very bad plan.

    It's going to cost us tax payer way too much, it's NOT going to work, and it's going to destroy precious wilderness and threaten endangered species.

    Read this:

    Bush's border fence destroys wilderness

    The remaining 350-mile section of the planned anti-immigrant fence will run from the Colorado river to the remote Peloncillo mountains on the New Mexico border, slicing through the delicate fabric of an extensive network of national parks, monuments, wildlife refuges, forests and wilderness areas.

    The sheer isolation of the Arizona border region has made its public lands a place of abundant wildlife and plants, many of which are found nowhere else in the US. The fence will cross vast desert valleys crowded with saguaro cactus and ancient ironwood trees, as well as forested mountain peaks and rivers bordered by graceful cottonwood forests.

    An alliance of environmental organizations says it will endanger Sonoran pronghorns, burrowing owls and put two types of endangered cougar-like cats – the ocelot and the jaguarundi – at risk of extinction by preventing them from swimming the Rio Grande to mate.

  3. The police are the one that thought that up.  They built the fences, and after they did, the amount of crime that came to their community (National City, CA) dropped to almost nothing.  Same thing in most of the cities that have those fences.

    Where we have patrolled fences near urban areas, the illegal aliens no longer rush the border patrol officers one thousand at a time.


    Still.. the fence will stop criminals who will come here no matter what is there.  We still need that fence until the illegal aliens who have committed a crime cannot simply drop over for a while and do a crime over here before they go back.

    And, it stop the dope trafficers in their tracks.  They are going to have to go back to flying air craft over, and at that point, we need to shoot them down.

    Finally, in addition to the fence, we need a law that puts the employers in jail for six months on a work farm where they can earn their cot and three hots.  

    The Fence WORKS!!

  4. It's ok even if it's you who wants to know.  Yes I believe we need to build a "mega border wall/fence" between the USA and Mexico. If people walk into your house uninvited you might put a lock on the door right ? This is no different, it will not stop those who wish to legally come and go across our border but it will help stop those who choose to illegally cross our border. If one is being logical and purely rational it would be hard to oppose such an idea.

  5. Building a fence, wall whatever is foolish use of our hard earned tax paid money.

    Stop hiring illegals, BBQ those that hire them and make a reasonable effort to pick up those that straggle in or linger around and the problem will be taken care of.

    It would help to not allow anchor babies and allow the cops to check ALL perpetrators of crime for citizenship/visas etc. It only makes common sense.

    Building a wall is a nice gesture to indicate WE MEAN BIZ but is a giant waste of money.

  6. Yes we need a mega border. Too much violence,drugs and illegal activity has come into this country from mexico. Their military is even coming over and putting guns to the heads of our agents. We must protect our nation and it's people.

  7. i think we need some type of border like an electric fence because we really need to slow down the illegals from just being able to com eover here like that and have babies. what makes me mad is right now i can catch a train to a place called adams morgan- where most of the illegals live and buy a fake social security card. stuff like that makes me bitter. i cant even get help from my own government because the illegals have utilized everything... like foodstamps, and i work everyday, all of the fast food jobs all of the cleaning jobs are all gone. now you have to be bilingual to get most jobs and to me that's not right  because i was born in america and speak english. why do i need to learn a second language to cater to people who are coming here to america. but for all of the people who are over here doing the right thing like going to school, and working more power to you

  8. We do not need a fence, just a few snipers. Kill a few coming over and the rest will learn. It is like training a dog.

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