
My cute coworker(guy) dressed the exact same colors I wore yesterday to work??

by  |  earlier

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what does that mean?

It happened like twice. I noticed that I wore yesterday a black shirt on a beige skirt and today when I saw him, he was dressed with the same colors ..a black polo shirt on beige pants...what's going on??

what does that mean??

I mean we work together all the time 8 hours and we see each other a u think he likes me or just my style?




  1. It's a coincidence.  He doesn't know what you're going to wear, unless you told him ahead of time.

    It means nothing.

  2. Don't flatter yourself, guys don't put that much thought into what they wear.  When going to work they open the closet door and pull out a pair of pants and a shirt that hopefully look ok together, there is no outfit planning or whatever.

    As said before, it sounds like you have a crush on him and want to pick up any little thing that seems to draw a connection between you two.

  3. i dont kno wat ur dress code is, or if u have a dress code, but if you dont, than maybe he likes you! thats cute!

    good luck

  4. You're reading WAY too much into it.  Black and beige are very common colors, especially for the workplace.

  5. It means you are trying to read something into a coincidence.  (If he IS trying to match your outfit, he is exhibiting very disturbing stalkerish behavior.  And I have yet to meet a guy who enjoys wearing outfits that match his date/GF/wife, much less goes out of his way to do so.)

  6. Are you kidding??  It's a coincidence, pure and simple.  Happens in my office all the time.

  7. Hmmmm, sounds like he definitely likes your style, and if he didn't like you, I doubt he'd be interested in copying you. It could be a coincidence, but more than twice and I'd definitely take it as a sign.

  8. Oh he does like you and your style.. nobody copies a person they don't like..  so he does like you.. I would definitely not want to copy a person I disliked... x*x Well the others didn't read your question properly.. you wore that colour the day before and he wore it the next day.. so yes he  is copying you it's not coincidence. not if he wears it a day after you wore it...  he does like you and the colors you wear... xx

  9. i think you like him there for anything he does your going to search up and down and all around for anything that could be simular to you. so you can see if he likes you!

    when someone likes someone they take note on every last detail!  only if that could be carried into a 10 year relationship!!!

    I can't say he likes you because of the colors he wears. but does he talk to you does he touch you for no reason..

    heck why not as friends get to know him out of the office a bit and see what happends!

    don't forget when ever you have a crush or start to dig someone!  anything they do that is normal to nice ends up being (omg he did this does he like me) it's 100% normal for any female to do this at any age!!.

  10. It has got to be a coincidence. There are only so many shirt/pant color combinations that it isn't surprising that this might happen.

    If it isn't a coincidence then that is just about the lamest thing I have ever heard.

    Sounds like you may have a thing for him since you noticed though.

  11. i think he may like the colors...people do own many of the same colors...especially black and beige for work

  12. Ask him then you won't have to wonder about it.

  13. coincodence.... i mean come on who copies how someone dress as a sign they like u... seriously.. i go to catholic school with uniforms so any guy who wears the same combo of clothing a day later likes me? uhhah i think not. u like him and want there to be a sign so thats why you noticed

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