
My cycle is less than 28 days. When do I take a preg test? ?

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If I have a 25 day cycle, should I take a pregnancy test on day 28 anyway? I have had a couple neg. preg tests after my intial pos. test. These are all different brands. Anyway, I am wondering if the neg. tests could be because I have a short cycle? Although my menstrual cycle is short, obviously the pregnancy would be the same length of time. So I am wondering if this could explain the few negatives. Does this make sense? It's just a theory I came up with this morning...what do you all think/know about this?




  1. My cycle is 24 or 25 days. I ovulate on CD10 each month. Your pregnancy tests should work from CD25 onwards if AF doesn't show up. If you got a positive, you're definitely pregnant, but the hormone can be a little dodgy in concentration in the first few days, so I'd suggest at this stage that you get a blood test done. False positive don't really happen, but false negatives happen ALL THE TIME! So you're pregnant and your cycle length has nothing to do with it :)

  2. With a cycle of 25 days ovulation and implantation happen earlier. When you miss your period on CD 25 and you are pregnant then the pregnancy test could be positive.

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