
My dad's girlfriend made some food for her lunch tomorrow; should I eat some?

by  |  earlier

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It smells so d**n good and I'm starving. I think it's actually kinda rude that she made some food with such a delicious aroma and didn't offer anybody any.

I'm actually not even sure if she made it for lunch tomorrow. I'm assuming so since she made it at 9 at night and didn't eat any.




  1. No. This could lead to arguments and fighting. She obviously made her own lunch, using up her time so if you're hungry, you should go make something yourself. How would you like it if someone went and ate something delicious you had prepared for yourself?


  2. No, you really shouldn't. Perhaps you should make something for yourself or go buy some fast food? It's not worth arguing over.  

  3. Unless it was offered to you, NO you should not eat any of it.  You could ask her if you could have some, but to eat it without permission is unforgivable.

  4. if its not poisonous

  5. No, greedy!!

  6. Unless you yourself purchased the ingredients AND offered to help prepare it-NO!!!

    You are the one that's being rude-get your OWN!

  7. Why are you even asking this?  And why is it rude for a grown woman to make herself some lunch?  What is rude is when other people in the house just expect her to automatically feed them.  

    It's 9:00 at night, dinner time is long over, why should she offer anybody some of HER lunch?

    If you're that hungry, make yourself a sandwich but leave her stuff alone.

  8. Yes. It some.  Why not?

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