
My dad's girlfriend wont get out of my business or room?!?

by  |  earlier

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my dad and her have been together for about 5 years, only living with us though for 2 or 3. she has since gotten rid of my cat, and it went downhill from there. I put a lock on my bedroom door and she still gets in, re arranges things, takes my game systems and even my laptop in one case. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!

I have talked with my dad about her staying out, but he doesnt listen to either of us anymore. just hopes it will get better on its own. it has gotten so extreme that I have boxed the majority of my room up and placed them in a storage room down the road. she has thrown my shoes and clothes into the yard, and when I didnt pick them up (my horse had temporary paralysis and I needed to get to the vet asap, excuse me) she hides them in the back yard!

however childish and wrong it may seem, I picked the lock to her door and threw her belongings in the back yard in our wasp invested bushes. I just want her out of my room, my cat returned, and a lock hasnt helped. what can I do about this? I wish I could get it through her head that my brother is adopting me (he already has the papers, I only need my dads signature) as soon as she returns my cat. then she'll be happy Im out of HER house and not spending HER money... even though its all my dads, really. Im ready to buy a giant tegu lizard, think that will work?




  1. finish college and move out. your parent needs to listen to you, not her. you're the boss; you're his kid. just finish college and become independent.

  2. I guess you tried talking things over with her already? She really has no biz in your room and dad should deal with that. You need to get a better lock until you move out. But first, try the "nice discussion" approach. That cud be a win-win.

  3. tell that ***** to just **** off.  

  4. Have you tried directly just pure SHOUTING. Some people need a good telling. I have a step mum, she goes through my things whenever im at my mums house, and re arranges everything, thats why i leave hardly anything behind in my room at my dads, she takes away my laptop and etc saying shes the adult and shes in charge, she even makes me get off msn etc and go for a ******* walk with her when my dads away on work, what is with that? Im not her pet! But anyway me and my dad tell her again and again that shes not my mother, never will be therefore she has no control over me and cannot order me around. Just go up to her, make her listen, no matter how hard it is!, Because believe me for me it was, it just wouldnt get into her head!  

  5. if i were u i wuda lit her **** on fire nd den put it out nd throw it out den rock ha **** eraliiii 4 picking on u 4 no reason

  6. stand up to her and let her know whats what and who owns the house i dont think a giant tegu lizard would help

  7. get out a.s.a.p.

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