
My dad's legs is starting to darken?

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My dad's leg [between the ankle and the knee] is starting to darken. Hes a diabetes so we figure hes eating too much sugary things. But i would like to know the truth.

Also there are red dots on the same spot, but his front side of the designated place is dark brown/black. [i know its not a tan since he always wears long pants]

If you have any explanation for this it would help.




  1. Get him to the emrgency room!

  2. see your doctor urgently, it could be the start of gangrene, i hope i'm wrong and i don't want to scare you. really

  3. that's bad. he needs do get hid diabetes under better or he will have half his legs cut off. get him in to a doctor. I can't explain it.

  4. Not good could be bad circulation. Probably see a doctor. Diabetes is a major cause of limb (leg) amputations. Half of them are preventable.

  5. This is really a very bad sign:it is dying tissue.

    You mention the color black already:he needs to see an endocrinologist at last on Monday:I would not wait a moment ,but take him to the ER immediately:he will get hospitalized promptly.Seen to many patients loosing their limbs over this.

    Have diabetes over 37 years now,so know what I am talking about.

    Pray you are not to late.

  6. He might be developing a leg ulcer because of circulation problems. That is not uncommon for diabetics. I suggest that he go to the doctor before it gets worse. See if this picture looks anything like it:

  7. He should have this checked as soon as possible.  It could be a blood circulation problem, and if it is not taken care of, he could lose that leg.  Make him see a doctor Monday morning if he can get in that soon.  If he can't, take him to the ER.  This can't wait.  

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