
My dad abuses me?

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ok hi im britt's friend Mickey, im 14; my mom died about 8 yrs ago, and ever since then my dad abuses me, i have a brother his name is Keifer (key-fur) who is 12 and if he gets in trouble(which is all the time) my dad blames me and hits me, like Keifer came home from the movies and he was drunk, and my dad tells him to sit down then he comes over to me and slaps me across the face "why on earth would keifer get drunk?" he yelled as he hits me, this happens alot (not the drunk thing, the beating) yet he NEVER EVER even touches keifer, is there anyway i could get put into fostercare, or do u have ANY advice i cant take it anymore, i have a large scar down my leg from when keifer broke my moms fav lamp, my dad took a peice of the glass and cut me with it! god i cant take it anymore, i go to Britt's and help her with kaylor to get away from it but as soon as i get home its another beating! what do i do??




  1. call the cops or child's protection services.

  2. mickey,

    i wouldnt be as tolerant as you, but when you live in fear, thats all you live.

    first: your dad loves you. he's angry. yor older. naturally responsability falls to you. not saying the beating's ok or anyrthing. its really retarded that he does that.

    second: your brother is used to being treated like an angel. dont give in to that. he wants your reaction. he needs more of a relation ship with your dad.

    so i want you to do two things.

    repeat the words " im going to do the best i cant possibly do"

    meaning if you love your dad, but your afraid of him, call foster kare or ask to live with your friend brit.

    next:take keifur with you. he's your brother. if your gone, better bet he's next.

    thats my advice. im no parent. some ppl concider me un wise. but in this sitution i think im right

  3. Duh. Call the police(the department, not 911[unless you feel you are significantly threatened at that moment]) or CPS.  Take pictures of your injuries and start writing down the specifics of the incidents.

  4. Call Child Protective Services.  Also, you can buy a tape recorder or borrow a camcorder or a webcam, and tape the whole thing.  Then you can broadcast it for the investigators.  I'd also ask Keifer to back you up on this, so that when you testify he tells what's happening.  You can also tell your doctor or a teacher: they're mandatory reporters, which means they have to tell someone and it has to be investigated.

  5. I know this may sound harsh, but what your going through is NOT acceptable in today's society, not by any stretch of the imagination.

    Your dad maybe Chief of Police in your town or city, but that doesn't give him the right to abuse you or abuse anyone, and because you have already tried to get attention drawn to this matter to make the beatings stop and this hasn't worked, you might consider contacting the FBI and explain to the agent that you are being abused by your dad and that you need some assistance in stopping this unusual behavior being directed towards you.

    Child Protective Services is another option you can draw upon, and they will investigate the matter.

    Keep this in mind as well.  Since he is abusing you so often, what else is he doing, perhaps while on his job?  It sounds like to me that he is getting frustrated about things that are happening to him in his life and while he is doing his job as Chief of Police, and because he doesn't have any types of outlets to get rid of these frustrations, he takes it out on you whenever he can, this is NOT acceptable.

    Perhaps the FBI will open up a sting operation into what this person is doing as a Chief of Police, since he is in Law Enforcement and comes under certain rules and regulations governing the behavior of law enforcement personnel, but you need to speak to a special agent, not in your town necessarly, but in the next closest city to where you are.  They might come out to visit you, show them the scars you have received, ask your brother to back you up on this and let the FBI take the matter into their own hands.  They will get to the bottom of this, they are very good at conducting a complete investigation into this matter.

  6. call 911! they will lock him up!

  7. When he has one of these episodes keep pictures and tell someone like a teacher or another parent. I'm going tru this with my cousin and had to call cps on my aunt I didn't want to but my cousin ask to help her and I love her so much.

    Best of luck!!

  8. Hi Mickey,

    You should tell someone at school such as a guidance counselor, principal, or school nurse.  If you are out of school for the summer, then talk to your pastor or someone at church.  You can also call child protective services.  Whoever you tell, inform them that you have tried to call the police for help before but your dad's a cop and no one will take you seriously.

    Your only hope is to keep telling people until someone takes you seriously.  Here is an idea.  Go to radio shack and buy a mini tape recorder.  I think they are like $30.  When you think you are about to get beat, turn it on and tuck it in your pants with a baggy top over it.  Another suggestion would be to find your dad's camcorder.  Set it up, hidden somewhere.  It is very typical for people not to believe abused children, i'm sorry to say.  You need proof or a really good person who cares and believes you.  

    What about Britt's parents?  Do you trust them?  Tell them if they don't believe you to help you set up the camcorder and you'll prove it to them.

    My heart goes out to you.  All the best.  You are stronger than you know.

  9. If you really want to leave for foster care and have your dad punished, a direct call to the police will do the trick. They'll make it happen, especially if you have evidence of recent abuse.

  10. Ok hi love, i suggest you speak to your teachers at school on monday, tell them exactly what is happening and let them call the appropriate services. If they don't do anything then you call lifeline and they will give you the correct numbers to call for your area to get you help. You just always remember that you are a person with rights and you deserve like anyone else to be happy and safe in your home environment. Ok. If you want to talk at all sweet contact me anytime. Stay strong.

  11. I'm in my 50's-i have no children and i've never lived in a house with teen-agers, but i do know that these are very serious charges against your father who is obviously providing for you to some degree, i mean, at least you're on the computer and asking for help.A lot of kids who are being abused can't ask for help.not by phone and especially not by computer. 1st of all , adults take these kind of charges seriously, so be certain it's really happening before getting officials involved.I don't know what you know about fostr homes or foster parents, but they are not all that great all the time..Surely there are those who are great, but they're not your parents and you're not thier child.Losing a relationship with your only surviving parent is something to think about. Maybe you and your father are suffering from the loss of your mother(after all, he has lost his wife). Maybe you both, or all of you need counselling. Seek it.Taking abuse is not acceptible, but neither is giving-up on "family".Think about it, Talk about it, Pray about it..see if it can be worked-out. If it can't be WORKED out, then GET out. but try first!!!!
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