
My dad always drink please help!?!?!

by  |  earlier

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ok so my dad drinks beer all the time. its like beer then 10 min beer 10 min and so on... so i really need him to stop because toward the end of the day he gets all mad about things that bother him and takes them out on his family... then about either2 or 3 times a month he'll go out with his friends and wont come home till like 2 in the morning. my mom tells him "oh you would rather be with your friends then with you family" then my dad answers "i need some time by myself sometimes too you know" then they get into an argument... but my dad just drinks so much beer and even my aunts uncles and grandma sees can i make him stop (with out taking him to see someone)




  1. You can't.He has to see  he has a problem then he has to want to do something about it.You can give him a copy of this question, if that doesn't wake him up,nothing will.

    The LORD can help him get over his hurts and pains and  get through stress and deal with it without having to use alcohol.He has to be willing to turn to the LORD for help though.Pray for him and if you get a chance, visit a United Pentecostal church sometime, they are good and maybe you can get him to go with you.

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