
My dad beats my puppy?

by  |  earlier

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Today at dinner my beagle puppy found a piece of plastic. He took off running with it. My dad told him to stop it, and he doesn't understand stop. And I've told my dad MILLIONS of times he doesn't understand stop yet. So my dad grabs my puppy and smacks him really hard three times. And my puppy is crying and yelping! I told him to stop and he just says "He doesn't get it unless I hit him!" or "You're a moron and don't know how to discipline the dog right!" My dad has REALLY bad temper problems. I don't want to stand up to him. What should I do?




  1. train the dog yourself =]

    when your dad isnt around, you can take the puppy into your room and train it with a toy or with dog food (not treats or he will expect them all the time)

    you can get online and search ways to train puppies.

    GOOD LUCK to you and your pup....

  2. I think the best thing to do would be to have the dog removed from the home, to give it a chance at a better life. You could call your local ASPCA and have them come remove the dog, and report your dad for abusing the pup.

    It just makes me wonder, if he treats the dog this way, how is he treating you, and if he hits you, you need to call the police.

  3. Thats pathetic, he may have a temper but he doent need to take it out on a puppy for **** sake, call th RSPCA

  4. 1. You should stand up for whats right.

    2. Beagles are extreeemly sensitive to how they are trained. They are very sensitive dogs. More so then others.

    3. He should not have hit your dog. He's just a puppy and he doesn't know any better.

    I would stand up for yourself and your dog but respectfully.

    Good luck

  5. If you want to protect your puppy then just try to keep it away from your father. Standing up to someone with anger problems isn't a wise choice. Being calm in any situation will get the best results. Good

    Luck! and congrads on the new pup!

  6. Keep your puppy away from your father. He has serious anger management issues and could seriously injure your puppy.

  7. Tell him to read this response:  Sir, you are cruel and just plain wrong for hitting a dog.  The dog is not being intentionally bad and by hitting it you're making the dog worse.  There's not one modern day animal training book which would condone what you did.  And, by the way, cruelty towards animals is a criminal offense.  Stop what you're doing NOW!
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