
My dad doesnt act bothered about if he sees me or not wot do i do?

by  |  earlier

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when he doesnt phone me i moan how i want him to but when he does i used to hate it and couldnt wit to get off the phone ... nowadays i feel like i can relate to him a lot more and feel like i can have an actual conversation without wondering when hes gonna go...

he only comes to see me 3 times a year it upsets me!! mum also tells me the bad things hes done to hurt her and that makes me not want to get involved with him wot do i do :( i need your help x




  1. Your dad's feelings were hurt when you didn't want to talk to him, probably. He also probably knows how your mom talks about him. All this is hard on a dad. He's probably withdrawn to protect his feelings. But I bet he'd be super happy if you just said something like, 'Hey Dad, I know I was a brat to you in the past and I'm sorry and I'd like to spend more time with you now". Seriously, give him a chance. Your mom shouldn't say stuff about him. When she does just say, "I really don't want to hear this, okay?" and leave the room if she won't quit. It's important for all of you that your dad is part of your life. He can make things easier if you give him a chance. He may not visit often because it's too far and expensive. Does he email? I'm betting he'd be thrilled to know how you're feeling. Good luck.

  2. Remember there is 2 sides to a story where you will never be quite sure because you were either to young or not even born before you mum and dad split up, so love both of them for who they are today and dont care about there past, concentrate on your own life.

    Best wishes

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