
My dad found a condom and weed in my room!?

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My parents are split up and for some reason when I was at my mom's my dad decided to clean out my drawers (a total violation of trust). Well anyway in the drawer i had a little box that had some left over marijuana in it. Their was also a condom that me and my friend had opened to see what it was like, so it was like not used. My dad hasn't said anything to me yet, but I'm pretty sure he opened the box because I looked through my home's call history and he had called my mom that day (they never talk). I don't know what to do, I can hardly look my Mom or Dad in the eye, and if they confront me what should I say.

Also I don't smoke marijuana anymore (since like 5 months), it was a phase.




  1. okay i went through this like a month ago just tell them be honest tell them its over tell them the whole truth. print out marijuana info sheets that show real stats about how it isnt addicting and cant hurt you in the long run. the condom tell them its a funny story and if they dont believe you say "you can choose to believe me or not but its the truth." and if they dont respect the truth also say "i feel that you violated my personal space and that hurts more than anything you can do to punish me"

    annnnnnddddd i wanna hear how it goes you can email me if youre comfortable with it

  2. my cousin's mom (my aunt) caught him "pleasuring himself" a while ago and he still can't look her in the eye.

    you're in a much better situation than he is

  3. A total violation of trust?  I love that -- you smoked weed, and THAT'S not a violation of your parents trust in YOU?   Kids who are the responsibility of their parents have no expectation of privacy -- EVER -- unless it has been earned.  Respect is earned, and you obviously haven't earned it, yet.

    If they confront you, then try something really outrageous:  Tell them the truth.  Yes, you tried weed, but you haven't in a while.  You were just curious about the condom.

  4. If they confront you, tell the truth. It can suck but in the long run it's a better way to do things. Lies take more energy to maintain and you'll ultimately s***w up. If you tell the truth, then you usually get things over with a lot faster, and then your parents trust you more.

  5. fess-up and tell the truth, you will be surprised how well your dad handles it, and it will be MUCH better than letting it go.

  6. u r fu ked

  7. You violated his trust by hiding drugs in his house

  8. be honest with them!

  9. say its my friends and if they dont believe u ignore them

  10. wait for him/them to confront you since they more than likely will then just tell them the truth about the weed and condom

  11. maybe you should be up front and honest..may delete alot of speculation.

  12. woah

    tell them that, if they don't believe you just ignore them


  13. Dont be an idiot, your dad is an adult.  With that comes alot of expeience.  You cannot control him like you may control your friends, hes smarter than you think.  Just be honest.  He is still gonna be mad but he will see that you were honest and didnt try to cover up a cover up.  When I say honest I mean fully completely honest.  Everything must be layed on the table.  If you are taking the responsibility of making you own decisions, like smoking dope, then you take to take the responsibility of facing the consequenses (dads punishment).  Accept you punishment and dont argue about it because that will show that you are not sincere.

    Just remember one thing.  He is your father, he loves you and he is gonna keep loving you no matter what.

  14. Wait till you are confronted. Don't just offer up the info, maybe he didn't open the box. If he asks tell the truth. I think he could tell if the condom was used. Then tell them you wanted to try marijuana to see what it was like. To let you in on a secret, Parents were your age to once. You never know what they got up to. Kids experiment and I would much prefer my daughter smoked pot (not every weekend or very often at all) than drank. You don't lose control on pot. But remember, pot and liquor are for adults if that is their choice, but your brain is still developing. Don't mess with it, it can do permanent brain damage and it is habit forming. It can do the same to adults too.Wait until you're an adult to make decisions like that. But never ever use hard drugs. You don't know what your getting,they are addictive, and they really can kill you.

  15. Hm. They might just understand that you are a teen and all...soo...













    GIRLS! Please answer my question!!;...

  16. A daily marijuana user takes 30 days to get pot out of there system. If you only use it once or twice it takes like a week. Just tell them what you told us.

  17. u should teel the truth

  18. Hmm. i think that you should find out if ur dad found it. just be like "dad did you clean out the drawer by my bed?" or wherever it might be. and if he says yes then you should just be like "oh, you probably looked in the box then didnt you?" and then just see how it goes from there. if he says that he did look in there then just tell him everything that you just told us. and if he says no he didnt look in there, then i suggest you get that stuff outta there asap.

    If you need more advice on ANYTHING. check this out. my friend and i made it.

  19. If they confront you about it , just tell them that you are willing to take a drug test to prove that you no longer smoke it . and tell them that the condom weren't used....  Pot is out of system after 30 days .... so if you haven't smoked in 5 month you wont fail the drug test ..

  20. I don't know about you, but when I get caught with something like that, I pretend that I don't know what's going on, but tell them the truth indirectly. Like, if I were you, I would leave one of the computers on with an email to mr friend or something and say that I feel really bad that I put the drugs in my dad's house and the condom and all that c**p that makes your dad feel good... Try something tricky like that! It almost always works for me and when my dad finds out that I purposly talked on the phone really loud so they could hear what I had to say... they never get mad because they know that I was trying to tell them the truth without loosing my honor. =P

    But seriously- think about it...

  21. You don't really know if your dad really did find it do you? If he did, and one of them confront you, don't be scared or nervous, just tell them what you told us, and be honest.

  22. It doesn't sound like you've done anything wrong. Just tell them what you told us, you didn't use the condom and you're done with weed and know that it's bad for you. If they get mad, be really good for a few weeks. Don't do anything wrong, be respectful, their trust level will go up.

  23. you guys both violated each others trust if your hiding weed in your room and a condom.

  24. Show them this question, or maybe just be honest and tell them that you were just loking at it to see what it was like. You sound like you are at a stage where you are wanting to find out things for yourself.

    My mum read my diary, which was also a violation of trust, and found out I had smoked pot a few times. Shes never really forgave me and doesnt beleive I was just trying it. Oh well I know the truth and that is what counts.

    Also if you HAD of had s*x, would you dad rather you had it unprotected!!

  25. it doesn't seem like they care too much. they know that it is probably to just let it go but if it were to happen again, i bet they would talk to you

    from what it seems like they think you know you were caught but they're smart enough to know that if they talk to you it could get worse. who knows, but i think you're off the hook=]

  26. The condom well im 12 and got them so dey shouldnt care and a little weed won't kill ya dig?

  27. awkward huh. just tell him the truth

  28. && i thought when my mom found a naked picture on my computer was bad !

    i suggest telling them ...LIKE, THE TRUTH .

    "me and___ just wanted to see what it looked like .

    As for the mara-joo-wanna; ?

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