
My dad gives little privacy?

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my dad won't let me use the computer if i don't tell him my email password. Is this wrong of him?




  1. Depends on how old you are, and/or if you have done anything for him to not trust you in any way

  2. Depends how old you are, etc.

  3. depends, how old are you?

    if you're over ten, YES. that's actually really weird and as far as creepy.

  4. I guess your dad wants you to be safe and yeah it depends how old you are like if you are like 13 or older he shouldn't do that like tell him that its bothering you and that he should trust you.

  5. well yea hes gunna check up on everything ur doing. jst go on it wen hes not home. ur not a bby so y should u b treated lyk 1??

  6. You leave a lot of room for speculation.  First off, I wonder how old you are and the maturity level you've displayed.  As a father, I would be very concerned about what my children see and do on the Internet.  There is a lot of stuff in cyberspace and much of it is not worthy of invading our lives.

  7. He's a parent.

    Sadly, under his roof, he can pretty much tell you whatever rule he wants. Regarding the computer anyhow.

    Email pass is a little extreme...but he is a parent.

  8. Yeah it is.  I understand that he wants to protect you from certain things on the internet, but this is a little too much, depending on how old you are.

  9. I dont think this is wrong but its not right.

    but i'll give you an idea.

    make 2 email accounts and give him the password to the one that ur not going to use that much. so you can use the other one for watever you want and he wont know cuz he thinks ur using the other 1.

    the worst that can happen is that he'll think ur unsocial =]

  10. yeah. make a different one and go on naughty sites just cuase. just clean your history or the naughty places so he doesnt get crazy

  11. that depends how old you are. There are alot of predators on the internet. By the way my girlfriend is 23 and i look through her emails everyday.

  12. yeah but my dad does the same. annoying, isnt it?

  13. I know to you it seems wrong. Especially at your age when probably everyone you know is using the computer alone and has privacy but just think of it this way. Your dad loves you and he cares about you and he wants to know that you are safe. There are a lot of creeps on the net today and it does not mean that he does not trust you, he just does not trust the influence the net has over people esp young teenagers. He is just being a bit over protective. :-)

  14. yes it is wrong  

  15. If you are young then he has every right.I know how you must feel,but he is your dad.You are his responsibility.His job is to care for you and protect you.Sounds like you have a good father.Maybe a lil over protective..but consider yourself lucky.

  16. it may depend on your age, and have you lost your fathers trust before, your father should be able to trust you at all times

  17. psh yea. i would hate it. everyone deserves some privacy. i get where ur coming from. my mom always wants to see my facebook. tell him u deserve privacy!

  18. no. i like your dad already.he doesn't want you to get hurt,physically or mentally.

  19. depends how old you are. if hes that over protective you've probably done things your not suppose to. its just for your own good. he just wants whats best for you.

  20. hes strict but he loves you u cn tell bc he does this

    try to take t as a complement like i love you so mch anc you are so special i dont want anyhting to happen to you

  21. I can understand both sides of the situation.  Your Dad wants to protect you, there are a lot of weirdos out there in the world.  I mean think about the myspace horror stories that are out there.  He probably doesn't want you to get into trouble.  Or maybe you have done something on the internet before that made him feel you can't be trusted?  I'm not sure.  But I know it's frustrating because everyone gets online and you want your privacy.  I would talk to him, try to set some guidelines and boundaries for both parties.  Also, you may want to be careful, if your dad does cave it may mean he's bought a software that monitors your computer usage, he could get a software that logs everything you type!  

  22. no he has to know it or you can 't use it and why pray tell do you not what him to know? its this way you can use it but you are not going to do something stupid and sometimes teens do. anyhow did you know  t hey can tell what you are looking at all the time so grow up and act your age.

  23. yes it is he should trust you why would he need your password anyway?

  24. your dad loves you very much,he only wants you to stay safe and have a healthy childhood,while you may be a teen and think you are grown up you still dont understand just how dangerous it really is in the world.i know you think that you do ,all young ladys do and boys. the fact is ,forgive me for being so blunt (YOU DONT KNOW HALF WHAT YOU THINK YOU DO s*****r!.your dad only wants whats best for you and you are too young to know what that is

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