
My dad has a 11 year old son...?

by  |  earlier

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He has been paying child support since the child was 15 months old. He has reason to believe the child has been adopted is he still requried to pay child support?




  1. If he didn't sign papers - the child isn't adopted - what makes him feel like the child is "adopted"  -     Does he have a different last name now? that doesn't mean hes adopted - means he had a name change.

    If he was legally adopted - he would not have to pay anymore.

  2. he could not be legally adopted unless your father signed consent and relinquished his rights.

  3. Your dad should not be paying support on the child if he has been adopted.  Child support enforcement is suppose to let him know that someone wants to adopt the child and ask if he wants to give up his rights.  If he does he is no longer responsible for child support.  I wouldn't trust cse as far as my 7yr old could throw them.  If I was your dad I'd check the adoption records in the state the child lives.

  4. not if his adopted but your dad would have to sign papers for him to be adopted in the first place

  5. If the child is just living with a family member of the mother, and not legally adopted, he's probably legally obligated to pay, however, the money is probably going into the birth mom's personal account and the child probably isn't getting any of it.  Why doesn't your dad make an effort to see this child?  

    If the child is legally adopted out, he should go to court to get his child support stopped.  Legal aid could probably help him, however, if the child is in foster care, he'll have to continue to pay child support.

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