
My dad has brown eyes and mom has blue. I have green. is this a mix of both or from a green family gene????

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My dad has brown eyes and mom has blue. I have green. is this a mix of both or from a green family gene????




  1. no, it is a recessive gene that became dominate with your make up.  You're lucky, green eyes are beautiful,

    My daughter has green eyes. - I have brown, her dad has blue and she has green.  It use to be the joke when she was growing up that the milkman was her dad.  

    I finally asked our doctor and he said...."Green eyes run in the family 'somewhere'."

  2. i have green eyes too my dads eyes are brown and my moms eyes are blue so its not from a different family

  3. well not exactly, you probly have a history of green eyes in your family. both your moms and dads side, even if both your mom and dad dont have green eyes, your great grandma, or grandfather or anyone of your ancestors do. chances are it runs in both their genes. which is why you have green eyes.

  4. There is no such thing as a gene for green eyes, or any other eye color. There are actually several genes involved in coding for eye color and some of those genes have greater influence on your eye color than the others do -- so it's pretty complicated.

    It's not at all unusual for someone to have different eye color than their parents.

  5. it looks u got jaundice immedietly contact doctor

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