
My dad has had an affair and is now living with another women what rights do i have?

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He has left me (16) my brother (13) and my mum and is now living with another woman what rights do i have as i dont wish to see him now or have anything to do with him?




  1. at your age u don't have to go for visitation, after the age of twelve u can decide on your own.your mother should be entitled to child support, and maybe even alimony.

  2. different states have different ages to how old a child has to b to decide whether to see the absent parent..

    you need to check into that and if youre old enough to have your can talk to the judge and tell him what you want..

    youre angry at your dad but that will go away in time...

    later on maybe you guys can reconnect if you dont want to see him right now..

  3. I'm pretty sure a judge can give him the right to see you, but you have a right to not see him. You are in no way going to be forced to spend time with him. It's up to you.

  4. perhaps dad has decided he wants a woman that wants a man and not another woman as far as rights what do you mean rights?

    you do not own your father just so you know this not sure what rights you are seeking here

  5. My 16 year old does not want to go to her Dad's either and he is enforcing his visitation policy. I have talked to two lawyers and the sherriff's department and since his visitation is court ordered they are making her go until she is 18. I don't agree with this either but he has threatend to send the sherriff to pick her and bring her to his house if she doen't go on her own.

  6. At your ages, you and your brother can decide whom you want to live with and spend time with. Just don't go to your visitations anymore. Sorry this happened to your family.

  7. Sorry  but you have no rights at this moment. However you and your brother are both old enough to decide on who it is that you want and dont to be around. That's about all you can change.

  8. You have your personal rights of who you want to spend time with.  give yourself time to forgive your father for feelings of abandonment and with time healing will happen.  Then make your decision of how you want to handle this.  It is better to make a life changing decision that will effect others with a whole heart, you can see the effects of what happens when you don't.  

    Good luck in your journey and may God watch over you in it.  

  9. idl..but im really sorry

  10.   You  can  ask  him  whatever  your  heart  desires  ,he  is  your  father    you  and  your  brother  come  first  no  matter  what.  Your  right  is,  for  him  to  provide  for  you  and  your  brother.I  understand  you  want  

    nothing  to  with  him  for  now  ,but  you  will  need  his  help  and  you  

    have  all  the  RIGHT to  ask  for  anything  with  in  reason.His

      duty  to  support  you  all.I  am  so  sorry , GOD  be  with  you

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