
My dad has never gotten me a present.

by Guest56474  |  earlier

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I really want the new pantech duo but it cost like 500 dollars so i asked my dad if he would get it for me but he said no. He has never gotten me a birthday or christmas present and I told him that this would make up for all the other presents but he still says no. Am I right or wrong to even ask him for it if so what are some good jobs a 13 year old girl could get cause i dont get an allowance or how do i persuade my dad?





  1. i wanna meet that dad....

  2. Maybe ask your dad if you could earn money to purchase this yourself.  Or maybe work for 1/2 of the purchase price.  Offer to do chores around the house, clean the kitchen after dinner, mow the yard, clean up after the pet...etc.  The maybe he'll see that you really want this and by earning it yourself you'll treat it with respect and take care of it.

    Good luck!!

  3. Don't just ask for it -- $500 is a lot to ask for right off. Ask if you can work for it, do chores, see if he'll let you earn it instead. Or babysit, do odd jobs around the neighborhood. It'll be slow but it can happen if you want it bad enough. =)

  4. You have a right to ask, and he has a right to say no. If he's not inclined to buy presents, which appears to be the case, I can't see how asking for a great big one would be fruitful. If you keep at him about it, you'll probably just irritate him.

    Sometimes we just can't have everything we want - it's part of life. Sorry, hun.

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