
My dad has stage 4 lung cancer& has spread to liver, bones, brain,back(spine).2 wks.ago he was fine. ?????????

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He is terminal.2 wks ago he was walking around,now he tilts to the side and is in alot of pain.So fast? He was a body builder,strong and beautiful.So fast? Before the diagnose fine,5 days in the hospital,"Your terminal". Why so fast?




  1. Oh honey I am so sorry the pain you must be experiencing would be aweful, I am also sorry for your Dad.

    All my blessings and prays to you both.


    I am sorry but I cant answer why this is happening so fast.

  2. Make sure he has accepted Jesus as his Lord and personal redeemer. We need forgivness for our sins. Life doesn't end at death, you can be with him again one day. Pray.

  3. My heart goes out to you. My wife died 7 days after diagnosis and she had no symptoms until the day i took her to the doctors. It was all so quick. All i can say is there is no justice and cancer attacks anyone of any age.

    Cancer comes in many forms and depending on the form can be very aggressive. Once the cancer cells get into the blood stream it is not good news and when it gets into the brain the body will start shutting down. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

  4. I am so sorry for your Dad and your family. I understand what you are going through. This is so hard for you all. Make sure that your father is under hospice care which is usually a local service which allows a patient to come home at the end of life. Hospice can also be practiced in a hospital if the patient is unable to return home. It is strictly comfort care for the patient and support and guidance for the families of the patient. Your father will be kept comfortable.

    As for your question, cancer is a progressive disease and left untreated grows and spreads more each day . . so while your father was fine two weeks ago the cancer was growing and growing and growing until it began to affect nerves, tissues, or body systems. Once the tumors start to do that they will continue to increase every day . . which is what you are seeing with your father . . the disease is progressing. Being a body builder and healthy probably allowed him a longer survival time than most patients . . but being overall healthy still will not stop the progression of this rotten disease.

    In the final stages cancer can move very rapidly unless it is brought under control. Once my son came off chemo treatment his disease spread rapidly too, he had a CT in December which showed the cancer in control, and a CT at the end of January which showed extensive disease, he died a few weeks later. He was also athletic and overall healthy. Cancer is rotten.

  5. Usually when it has spread through out the body into the organs and stuff there is nothing they can do about it. He probably still has some time to go. If he isn't in the hospital you can get him morphine patches for the pain. It helps some people.

  6. Well, the human body can actually tolerate quite a bit of damage before things really show sometimes.  Your dad actually wasn't "fine" two weeks ago, the cancer just hadn't reached a point where it was interfering with critical functions.  Once that does happen, though, things do seem to go fast.  I'm sorry to hear your father has stage 4 cancer.   The best thing I can suggest is you locate a hospice to help him and your family in the days to come.  They will have pain management specialists and other doctors who will do whatever they can to help make your father as comfortable as possible, and a staff that will help support you and your family.  I wish I could paint a prettier picture for you, but this is as good as I can offer.  You can't change what is to come, but you can do what is possible to make it easier for everyone involved.  

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