
My dad is a alcoholic and i dont know what to do !!!! help me please?

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well my dad drinks alot ,he doesnt drink everyday well this month so far he hasnt and when he's sober he's a nice guy ...but when he does he gets agressive he use to kick me around when i was younger and me and my mum used to go to her friends houses like everyday to get away ...well now im 15 ,kind of the same but he doesnt touch me because i dotn let him butim getting really depressed now because he tried to stop and did for 5 months and now started again ..

well it's just gone midnight and im sitting at home waiting for him ..i have been since 8 and im a bit scared and also fed up because when he comes home im going to have to '''look after him '' ...and i just feel like what more can i do ..ive tried being the best daughter for him and he still drinks ...

i know im going on ,im sorry ,it's just this really bothers me and makes me feel so down and like **** seems like all my friends have normal family's ..well compared to mine and i cant take this anymore ..ive tried talking to him but he just doesnt stop mums on holiday right now but when shes here its mostly the same ..

can anyone give me advice or maybe your in a similar situation ..i just feel like im dying inside ...




  1. its not your fault. your doing everything you can. your dad should be responsible to know that he ahs a family and drinking is not what he should be doing adn dont let him touch you in anyway or kick you around. i can understadn how you would feel but its not your fault but i can also she how it would be weird to like hae friends over and stuff like that.

  2. Call Alcon. Check the Yellow Pages or go online and type in Alcohol Abuse Help for family members living with a alcoholic. They can help you cope with this problem.  

  3. I wouldn't worry about it.  100 years from now,  no one will know the difference.

  4. So, you're probably in school.  Go to your guidance counselor and explain to her your situation.  Most likely, they'll send your dad to a rehabiliation center to get sober.  I suggest you do this, especially since a lot of people have no clue what they're doing when they've been drinking.  

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