
My dad is a crazy!?

by  |  earlier

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He denies the fact that he is, saying he is 2 seconds behind the car in front of him...but I know this isn't true, after riding w/ him in the car for many years. It's dangerous, and I've told him so many times to not tailgate, but he doesn't listen to me or anyone (because a lot of family and friends tell him the same thing. please help, what should we do??




  1. Stay out of the car when Dad driving.

  2. Sounds like you & others need to volunteer to drive him places or take a seperate vehicle if he insists that he drives, making an excuse that you have another appointment later.   Drop him a hint when you hear of an accident where someone rear ends another vehicle as a result of tailgating.  Find out the fines in your area for tailgating & drop him a hint there too.  Download safe driving tips from insurance websites or get a brochure from your local drivers license bureau or give him a Christmas gift of AARP over 55 driving class in he qualifies.  Sadly, from the way it sounds, it may take him running into someone to get the hint about tailgating.  Good luck!!

  3. 2 seconds at 65 miles an hour is about 200 feet. That is something like 10-20 car lengths, depending on the size of the car. I seriously doubt from what I see on my commute that anyone leaves anywhere near 10-20 car lengths between them and the car ahead. Frankly, I would avoid riding with him, because people like him have two very dangerous traits. One, they live in denial, two, they are highly aggressive. They are eventually going to hit someone, and the outcome will be both a violent confrontation between him and the other driver, and a lot of property and possibly human damage. You need to limit your exposure time with him at the controls. Because he is in denial, he will only become more belligerent the more he hears about his error.  A belligerent, aggressive person at the controls of a car is a disaster in the making.

  4. he has been are smart...don't drive with him...good luck

  5. Nothing inspires road rage like a tail-gater. Today as I headed home from my Thanksgiving weekend trip, I encountered more than one. Fortunately for me, my jeep's back window wiper is broken, so it sprays water out directly behind me. I played shoot the tail-gater =) You should explain to your father, that any driving safety guide specifies at least one to two car lengths between traveling vehicles to avoid accidents. And if he doesn't value his own welfare, he should value the welfare of his passengers.

  6. That's a hard one. Keep him informed of safety rules. A good idea is to let him know how much you love him and you want your dad to be safe. He wouldn't want you to take unnecessary chances while driving, why should he?

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