
My dad is all upset just because i like my mom more than him?

by  |  earlier

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my parents got divorced about 3 years ago and my mom remarried and moved to another state so i decided to go live with my dad. he knows i'm closer to my mom and it pisses him off. so he gets all immature and does childish things. i dont even want to live with him anymore, but i dont want to leave all my friends and go live with my mom. i'm 14 and i dont know if i can stand this for another 4 years.

he also yells at me for all the mistakes i make. i'm not perfect and he makes mistakes too. sometimes we get along just fine until he starts acting liek a jerk. also when he's having a bad day at work or something, he takes it out on me.

don't get me wrong, i love him and all since he spends money on me and everything, but sometimes he's just too extreme in his words and i dont know what to do about it. i've tried talking to him and asking him to stop but he refuses to talk on the subject. please help. thanks




  1. don't get too worried about it, your dad needs to earn your trust and being mean to you isn't the way to do it.

  2. first off...did you say you love your dad cuz he spends money on you? i don't call that love. otherwise ...sure it's easy tell you what to do, but it's harder when you actually have to do it...but i would say talk to your dad until he stops. i mean it can't really get any worse right? he can't kick you out and all he can do is yell at you more. i've had a few problems like this with my mom, but helps if you have a journal or something to write in and just take your anger out on him in the journal...if you have any anger.

  3. I am sorry that you feel this way. I hope that you and your dad will come to get to know more about each other and have a better relationship in the future.

    Sometimes as parents we tend to overreact when it comes to dealing with our children. You say that you have tried to talk with him about his actions and was unsuccessful. Perhaps you should reconsider moving in with your mom. I know that it seems like you are losing your friends but if they are real friends then they will always be there for you.

    You say that you are 14, maybe a change will be good for you and your dad. Maybe he is confused not knowing what to expect next with raising you. Going through life and growing up means change is going to happen. we don't always like it but at least we can learn from it and grow into a better person.

    good luck with your situation

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