
My dad is being weird. Help?

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I just want to know if i am being unreasonable or disrespectful. It is hard to tell from my angle. If you think what i did is ok, then just say so.

I have been waking up around 1 in the afternoon and going to bed around 5 in the morning. I do this because I enjoy the night/early morning. It is quieter and cooler outside.

Naturally, when I eat is different from when my family usually eats (i usually have dinner with them. Of course, on my schedule that is my lunch).

So i usually get hungry again around 10 or 11. I went downstairs with plans of making a pizza. (but i don't want to eat the whole thing). I ask my younger brother if he wants a few slices. My dad cuts in and says that my brother doesnt need any pizza and that i dont either.

(from this point on, i will quote what happened. So as to not give a slanted point of view)

me- "This is about the time i have my dinner, dad."

dad- "Well, if you didn't sleep so late, then you wouldnt be hungry right now."

(i go on to explain that i enjoy the night/early morning period, for the reasons already listed)

dad- "You should rearange your sleeping schedule."

me- "Why should I?" (i tried to say this calmly and respectfully). "Do you have any particular reason?"

there is a pause

dad- "dont ask me to drive you anywhere."

I then walk away, not wanting to anger him anymore than i already have.

Why is he punishing me? Am I not seeing something?

My personal opinion is that he didnt have a good reason so he lashed out.

idk, opinions please?




  1. Your Dad is used to doing things a certain way and he's not yet ready to accept that there are other ways of doing things.  In his world you sleep at night, you're awake during the day and you have your meals at certain times.  You are not him and he is not you.  He's having a difficult time with that.  

    You did the right thing by walking away.  Pushing it further would have only caused friction that doesn't need to be.  I agree, your Dad couldn't think of a plausible reason why you need to rearrange your sleeping schedule.  But that's OK.  What you're doing is just different from his way of doing things.  As long as it's not interfering with your life ( you don't say whether you're still in school or have a job), do what works for you.

  2. I'm like you. I go to sleep 7am and wake up 5pm. I love silent nights.

    Anyway, your dad is being unfair. He couldn't come up with an answer so he ended it right there. Tch, kind of sad if you ask me.

  3. Probably the issue is that you seem to sleep and you seem to eat, but what else are you doing to carry your weight? I'm betting your dad is resenting being up and at work while you are sleeping all morning and living off of him.  

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