
My dad is cheating on my mom with my neighbor and I know that it's happening. What should I do?

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I've SEEN him go over there and I KNOW he's cheating on my mom with this lady. What do I do?




  1. dude!!!!!!!!!!

    get proof and then black male him for every extra penny hes got !!!

    time to step up to the plate. other wise

    the truth must be known


    ya gotta get proof!!!

  2. go there, you have 2 legs

  3. Depending on your relationship with your dad, I would talk to him and let him know what you are thinking and what it appears he is doing.  If he is a violent person, don't confront him or make him angry.  I know you love your mom and you don't want to see this, but people make mistakes and sometimes bad choices affect those we love the most.  If you can, try to keep out of it and don't get between your parents.  This is their issue and you don't belong in the middle, so don't put yourself there.  There is nothing you can do to stop it if this is what he chooses to do.  You have every right to be hurt and angry.  You do need to talk to someone about what you are feeling.  Find someone that you trust that will not betray your confidence.  There is of course the remote chance that things are not as they appear to you.  If this is the case, you may be feeling badly towards your dad for nothing.  If you choose to talk to him, you must be very certain and be prepared for anything.

  4. Talk to your dad first.

  5. Talk to your Dad/the neighbor, tell him, if he doesn't say anything to your mom, then you are going too.

  6. confront him

  7. alert your mom to your suspicion and have her find out for herself.

  8. tell your dad he's not being a very good role model for healthy relationships

  9. You could Make sure he is before saying anything, you need to catch them kissing or hugging , something ! Then confront him right then and tell him he needs to talk with your mom or you will if he don't. She needs to know the truth ! I know my daughter would tell me if she thought her step dad was doing anything wrong, even with out proof she would let me know so i could find out myself !!! So you decide how you want to tell her, maybe like letting her know something is up or just what you think !!! she can then check it out and decide if she thinks hes cheating or not !

  10. good luck !!!

  11. Oh darn baby hate that you have to go trough this, to tell you the truth you have to be 100 percent sure absolutely and unconditionally super dooper sure that this is happening to tell you the truth you need proof before you take this out in the open OK so hey unless you just want to warn your mom the right way, hey mom I saw daddy at the neighbors house and leave it at that up to her to find out if he is cheating on her, don't even say the word cheating. Just mention to her what you saw and believe nothing else her cheating sensor will open up by itself you just make sure you are very casual on telling her what you saw and that is it don't sound suspicious or nothing and she will find the rest by herself.. Good luck.

  12. "Accidentally" walk in on them or go over there and keep knocking on the door/ringing the doorbell.

    Then talk to your dad and see what he wants to do. Give him x amount of time to tell your mom himself or you will.

    Good luck. Sorry this is happening. But you are in a position to put a stop to it and make him get real with your mom. :-)

  13. Stay out of it. Your parents relationship is none of your business. You don't have any real proof that he's cheating on your mom. He could just be confiding in her... Either way, stay out of it. I know you think you'd be helping but you wont.  What ever happens between your parents, is between your parents!

  14. Be really careful. My kids posted online about this kind of thing, and posted their dad's email - and he went berserk and called the police and took us all to court.

    I think you should tell you mom, when she is feeling strong - but only if you are really sure.

    Take care on here though. The courts are really heavy if you give out personal information. My kids told the story on MySpace and we ended up with no money at all in a divorce. Be careful and good luck! I hope your mom will be strong.

  15. Yikes. You can confront him but you better make sure it's cheating and they are not doing something to surprise your mom cuz there might be a legit reason even though it looks suspicious.

    Good luck.  

  16. tell him how you feel, how you resent his actions and if he so much as mutters one more word to the w***e that you will make sure your mom gets the house, alimony and every bit of dignity that @)&^# has.

    good luck

  17. Im will definitely tell my mom directly. I did this already.  

  18. Talk to your dad.  Tell him you think he's cheating on your mom and it's not right.  Maybe you can talk him into stopping.  Or maybe he has a good explanation for what's happening.

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