
My dad is forcing me into doing band and i am sick of it!?

by  |  earlier

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I've been in band for 2 years, going on 3 and I hate it!! My dad if forcing me into it, I have tried everything to get him to let me quit, EVERYTHING!! I seriously hate it, I hate my instrument, i hate the people I'm with (ALL my friends QUIT) and at my school we don't have a serperate band time so we have to miss out on school, and i hate having to try to catch up on notes and assignments and lessons and everything. Ugh, what should I do...and I am warning you, I have tried everything, and yes, I tried asking nicely and listing my reason for wanting to not do it anymore.




  1. keep bugging him,

    i only was in band for 5th and sixth grade, after that i told my parents i didn't wan to do it next year, and they said okay, Their feelings about the teacher were the same as mine, he was a pissed off man about 59 years old.

    I am 29 years old myself, so this was like oh 1991??

  2. he might just want you to have another interest. is there anything else youre interested in where you can say, "dad i really dont like band but if its the extra-curricular activity you want me to get into ill try ______."

    maybe he doesnt want you to stay home and play video games or mix with the wrong crowd.  

  3. wow this sucks, i got to quit. tell him that you are missing out on other academic classes that could help you in the future in college just so you can go to band. Tell him that instead of learning about math and reading or whatever, you are stuck playing a stupid intrument that you hate in the first place. ( so basicly you should tell him that instead of learning something that could be useful to you, you're stuck missing out on it for band doing something you hate.)

  4. Go to band class and work on your homework for other classes... don't do anything for band....  

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