
My dad is getting sued for 50,000 over a fender bender!!!?

by Guest63546  |  earlier

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So my dad was in a fender bender with this girl, and I'm assuming it was at a light because the contact was so light that it didn't even make a scratch on neither of the cars, but still they called the police and exchanged information. The cop came made a police report saying everything was fine, no damage was done, and nobody was hurt. This was about 6 months ago in Febuary and now we get a letter in the mail from our insurance company saying the cover up to 25,000 and we are getting sued for over 50,000 and we will have to pay the difference. Supposedly the lady is feeling hurt now and stuff. Is there anything we can do, do you think we would loose the case, I'm just surprised cause i think this is ridiculous, and we are just a average family living in some apartments, we dont have 50,000 dollars.




  1. No worried, your insurance company wouldnt be willing to pay them any money, so they would fight this joke of a suit charge anyways. Your ol man is in the Clear.

  2. This should be your reply.

    Dear Sir,

    I am sitting on the toilet and have your letter in front of me. I am now about to put it behind me.

  3. .   THis is just an attempt to get you to settle today by paying $10,000 cash to be done with it.  Go to court and tell the whole truth.  Don't keep going on about how little damage was done.  The police report will tell that.  THe other driver will get nothing.

  4. Man! That would be bullshit!! This reminds me of the dude who sued a dry cleaner for an unremoved stain for 150 million dollars. The dry cleaners rightfullay got a lawyer and were able to defeat the lawsuit and the dude who made this bullshit lawsuit got put in prison.

  5. Isn't this covered under the liability portion of your policy?  Surely you have more than $25K of liability coverage.

  6. You need to get a lawyer!! That's the best I can tell you!! I don't think they will win. However, If you don't have a lawyer to give you the right legal advice and represent you with his knowledge then you might be suckered into settling!  

  7. His insurance company will go to it if he gets on it with them. They don't want to pay out even the $25K. I say the get on it thing because there should not be a letter coming 6 months later. Obviously her company has been communicating with his.

    No damage what so ever? She was not taken away in an ambulance? Did she go to the hospital the next day? Did she have a pre-existing condition? What costs over $50K and what is the proof?

    The courts also realize that many people try to make money out of these lawsuits.

    I am just a regular guy but I did have someone try to pull this on me under the same circumstances. I hired my own lawyer. To keep it simple..... he just made a few phone calls and the other person dropped the suit.

    I considered the legal fee money well spent. But in your case the insurance company will use their lawyers and say this is a joke. Start there before hiring your own.

  8. Like the other respondents say, I don't see how she could win.  She is trying to scam the insurance company.  In order for her to win, she'd have to open herself up to severe scrutiny.  She'll have to submit her medical reports and documents relating to the accident, be examined by an independent doctor, submit to credit checks (she's probably broke), reveal other historical insurance claims she's submitted.

  9. I don't know the extent of your coverage but our insurance company represented us in a case where a guy hit my son in what they called a mutual fault case. It was settled for 25,000. That was the medical bills for the guy. The only reason it came to a court case is because the nut didn't file with our insurance for over 2 years-yours sounds like a scam.Its scary to get the paperwork but it took about 6 months and was settled out of court and everyone was happy-it didn't affect our insurance either. My girlfriend was sued like you-for a fender bender and the people not only said they were hurt later but added a person to their passenger load-. It was thrown out of court. You are lucky-a cop gave a report-everything is recorded-so if she didn't go to the doc right away or keep records-well, you are pretty safe. Contact your insurance and see how they rep you-

  10. She won't win the suit though, so you are fine.

  11. Did your dad report the accident to his insurance company? He should have done that. Every time you get into a fender bender you must report it to your insurance company. \

    About this crazy women trying to sue your dad. I would get a paid attorney and ask his legal advice. It is free to consult with an attorney and then it is your choice to hire him or not.

    People are desperate for money these days. Sounds like this crazy women doesn't have enough proof. But talk to an attorney just to be on the safe side. have your dad bring all the paper work from the minor fender bender to show the attorney

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