
My dad is going gambling again, now what?

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My dad some times goes gambling with his friends. He thinks he can stop but I just know if my mom chained him up and his friends were going out my dad would do ANYTHING to get out cause whether he knows it or not he is addicted with a capital a! My mom isn't a big help either. When he wins she is happy, when he loses she acts like it never happened. Don't get me wrong! it is not like my dad is one of those stay out all night get drunk types. He just is losing so much money sometimes and I have TWO other siblings and all of us still have college to go through! How I am supposed to tell him that he is making such a big mistake? Plus, I doubt he wants to hear it from his 13 year old daughter! Help me please!




  1. The first poster is right. GA is the best way to go. Don't try to confront him or accuse him of being a gambling addict, because he'll only deny it. Like a drunk, who denies he's drunk, when everyone else knows he's drunk. You're in a tough spot and need an intervention to help him. GA can probably offer you some tips or even help straight out. Good luck.

  2. Check this site

  3. You need to talk to someone who can be your advocate. Try checking out your state's Institute of Public Health or the Gamblers Anonymous.

  4. don't try to stop him by telling him stop rather ask him what does he get out of gamble. That will make him think twice every time he go to gamble hopefully he will wake up himself one day or at least he will be more cautious when he play. Because it no point to stop some one already get addicted or if not he just want to get back what he has lost if he keep on losing every time he get home he will fell very guilty as he see you.Then he have to find some way to stop this to happen. The only way to stop him is he stop by himself. Thought my gamble  experiences I have been through all that but my second wife was supporting me alot at the end that telling me money not important more than love that made me stay home to enjoy with family than gamble eventhose I learn a way to make money by gamling and win more than i loose not like before but soon after I know it is very hard to earn money by gamle more fustrate than you work for it that is why it made me give up.  

  5. I agree with Luis A... get him into gamblers annoymous... gambling can really be a bad addiction...  

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