
My dad is hard of hearing so i am looking for a wireless speaker i can sit by his chair.?

by  |  earlier

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He has a little table next to his chair that he would like a speaker to sit on.. he doesn't want the surround sound system.

can anyone please give me any advise?




  1. Also available are cordless earphones.  They come with a little box that sets on top of the Tv set.  The box is plugged into the Tv.  The earphones can be worn and there are no cords to mess with.  If you do buy these, buy a decent set because some of the cheaper ones have a "buzzing sound" and/or static in them.  The wired ones will work with the speaker you set by his chair but then one must contend with wires.  I've never heard of a wireless speaker but I am not an expert.  Good luck

  2. does he have hearing problems? get him a hearing aid. he doesnt need wireless speakers.

  3. A set of infra-red headphones are cheap enough and they are quite light and comfortable.

  4. you should get a hearing aid

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